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Blind religious guides - watch out for false teachers


1.    As we go through life we rely upon guides.

2.    Signs tell us where to go.

3.    Those who use computers are often directed and guided on what to do.

4.    Information along our nation’s highways helps guide traffic.

5.    There are t.v. guides, fishing guides, travel guides…all kinds of guides.




A.    This word is used both as a noun and a verb.

B.     This word tells us that there are some things that can affect our soul.

C.     I want to start by looking at places that use the word guide as a noun.

D.    Each time the word we are looking at is used as a noun, the meaning is bad.


2.      One of the places where the word “guide” is used as a noun is Acts 1.

3.      This word is used in Acts 1:16 to say that Judas was a “guide.”  He was a leader.

4.      He took people to where Jesus was so an armed mob could capture the Lord.

5.      This passage is important because it shows us that not all guides are good.

A.    Judas was a good guide in the sense that he knew where to go.

B.     His understanding of where Jesus was good.

C.     Yet, the effect of his guidance and leadership led to the Lord’s death.

D.    Today we have guides who are like Jesus.

E.     People serve as guides, but they direct people to the wrong way.


6.      In addition to Acts 1, we find that Jesus used this same word.

7.      Jesus employed the noun form of this word three times in the book of Matthew.

8.      It is used in Mt. 15:14, 23:16, and 24.

9.      I am going to read each of these passages.

10.  Aside from Mt. 15, Mt. 23, and Acts 1, the word occurs only one other time in scripture.

11.  It is found in Rom. 2:19; this passage will also be read.

12.  Let’s start with Mt. 15:14 – READ.

A.    Guides like Judas lead people to do bad things.

B.     Jesus used this same word to make another point.

C.     He said that some guides are actually “blind.”

D.    Some people say “follow me,” but they do know where they are going because they cannot see.

E.     These people are so unqualified to serve as guide, Jesus said they fall into the ditch.

F.      These guides and those who follow them go off the road.

G.    This is one more passage that warns us about accepting and following a religious guide.


13.  This passage also shows the seriousness of being a guide.

14.  Who can guide others if he or she is blind?

15.  If we needed a guide to cross the street, would we choose a blind person or a person who can see?

16.  If we needed guidance while driving, would we choose a blind person for help?

17.  What person who needs surgery would want a blind man to direct the operation?

18.  Jesus said that blind guides are to be “left alone.”

19.  We would surely agree with Him.

20.  We do not want to be associated with these people.

21.  Being involved with a blind guide is so serious that Jesus further stated His point in Mt. 23.

22.  Here is what He said in Mt. 23:16 – READ.

A.    We sometimes hear people say the word “whoa.”

B.     For use this word means “stop.”

C.     In the New Testament this word often described a warning or a judgment.

D.    Jesus said that “blind guides” are bad news.

E.     He pronounced a judgment on them and warned His people to stay away from them.

F.      In this chapter the word “woe” is repeatedly used.


23.  One of the reasons for this is found in verse 24 – READ.

24.  Many who are blind guides teach something other than the truth.

25.  Since the truth will determine where we spend eternity, we need to know it and obey it.

26.  In this case the people who served as religious guides emphasized the wrong things.

27.  People were not given the information that they needed to serve God.

28.  The guidance being given to these people was wrong.

29.  This still happens.

A.    Multitudes of people are being guided by blind guides.

B.     People are headed to the ditch and many are following them to destruction.

C.     It is like animals going to the slaughter.  One takes the lead and others follow.

D.    In Mt. 7 Jesus spoke of the “many” religious people who will be sent away on the Judgment Day.

E.     The guides and those who follow them will be eternally separated from God.

F.      Yet, we live in a time when many still want to follow a false guide or be a guide.

G.    This is made clear from Paul’s use of this word in Rom. 2:19.


30.  In the first chapter of Romans Paul condemned the Gentiles.

31.  In the second chapter he condemned the Jews.

32.  In verse 17 he spoke of how the Hebrews “rested in the law.”

33.  They “gloried” about who they were.

34.  They had been instructed out of the law (verse 18).

35.  These people wanted to be guides – verse 19 – READ.

36.  The Jews said to others, “Let us point you to God.  We know the way.  We are here to help.”

37.  The Hebrews were zealous in their efforts to guide people but they were blind guides.

38.  This kind of thing still happens.

39.  For one reason or another, there are people who want to be spiritual leaders.

40.  In many cases those who seek or have this position are blind guides.

A.    The Jews described by Paul were religious guides but they were not good guides.

B.     Notice verses 21, 22 of Rom. 2 – READ. 

C.     The Jews were such bad guides that Paul added this in verse 24a – READ.

D.    We have the very problem that these verses describe.


41.  People are looking for a religious guide.

42.  People are accepting those who stand up and say, “follow me.”

A.    The Bible itself shows that many want a religious leader; let’s look at Acts 8.

B.     I said the word we are looking at is used as both a noun and a verb.

C.     We have seen how it is used as a noun.

D.    Let’s now turn our attention to the way it is used as a verb.

E.     One of the few places where this usage is found is Acts 8.


43.  Most know that this chapter describes the conversion of the eunuch.

44.  This man was on his way home and he was reading his Bible.

45.  He was studying from the prophet Isaiah.

A.    God sent a preacher to speak with this fellow.

B.     After the evangelist reached this man he asked a question – verse 30 – READ.


46.  Notice what the eunuch said – verse 31 – READ.

47.  This man said that he needed a “guide.”

48.  He needed someone to lead him and direct him.

49.  He was searching for a spiritual destination and he was ready to accept help.

50.  He wanted to know if this preacher be able to aid him,

A.    We have a world full of people just like this man.

B.     People want a guide to God.

C.     People want help.  There are also many who want to be this help.

D.    The problem is so bad that James had to warn some people in Jas. 3:1 about being “teachers.”




E.     Jesus promised the apostles that the Holy Spirit would “guide” them into “all truth.”

F.      The Holy Spirit served as a guide.

G.    The Lord knew that the Spirit would not serve as a false or blind guide.


51.  The Spirit would not be a guide like Judas.

52.  He certainly would not be a bad guide like the Jews described in Rom. 2:19.

53.  The Holy Spirit would guide people to the right place and would use the “truth.”

A.    The point made in Jn. 16 should be so important to each person.

B.     Many who are here guide a vehicle into a garage or another structure.

C.     It is important to guide the vehicle correctly or we will suffer some damage.

D.    How much more important is it to be guided correctly in the spiritual realm?

E.     Should it not be obvious that w/ all kinds of guides, we want to be guided by people who can see?

F.      Since some guide with truth and some with error, should we not insist on a guide with the truth?


54.  One would think that this would be so basic that it would be self evident.

55.  If we refuse to use blind guides in the natural realm, why use them in religion?

56.  For many the concern about good guides is only a matter related to the physical world.

57.  Many believe that any old guide in the spiritual realm is okay.


58.  The noun and verb form of the word guide really leave us with two important points.

A.    There is a sense in which each one of us is “guided” by someone else.

B.     Guidance comes from preachers, elders, and bible class teachers.

C.     In an indirect way guidance comes from the local congregation where we worship.

D.    It comes through the publications that we read and even who we fellowship with.

E.     We must remind ourselves that there are some blind guides in the world.

F.      These people do not know where they are going and they are headed into the ditch.

G.    Blind guides also can exist through Bible translations.

H.    There are some versions of the Bible that are so bad they are poor paraphrases.

I.       Some who are guided by bad translations end up with a false guide.


59.  If we are going to be guided in any way towards heaven, let’s use guides who can see.

60.  Let’s use guides who know the truth, who teach the truth, obey the truth, & who stand for the truth

61.  If we do these things we will be a good guide to others.

A.    Those who are Christians almost always serve as some type of guide to others.

B.     I recently received a question from someone I have had contact with but have actually met.

C.     She had a question about a passage in the Old Testament.

D.    She looked to me for guidance.

E.     This kind of situation is not unusual for Christians.

F.      If people know that we are a Christian they will view us as a guide.


62.  It must be our goal to be the right kind of guide.

63.  We need to be like Philip in Acts 8 and not like Judas in Acts 1.

64.  Are we committed to being guided by people and things that are associated with truth?

65.  Are we also committed to being a guide to others?

66.  Our world needs good guides.  Each one of us can serve in this way.  Are we doing that?