Monthly Archives: November 2009

Fear survey

Are you “afraid” of something? Do you fear spiders, snakes, water, or night? Are you a “fearless” person? Are you afraid of being alone? Are you afraid of cancer? Are you afraid of unemployment? Are you afraid of heights? Are you afraid of fire?

Use the comments box to describe your fears or what you think of as a “silly fear.”  Why not take the “fear survey poll?”

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Get a FREE on-line Bible commentary on the book of Romans through  You may also get a FREE daily devotional by subscribing to my rss feed – or follow me on twitter.  I also operate a Christian blog on blogspot.

Treatment options for Alzheimer's Disease

USA Today ran a front page story about a brain study related to Alzheimer’s Disease.  The caption reads, “Over thinking can be good for us.”  The subheading continues, “Dementia appears less likely to creep into thought-filled brains.”  The brain is extremely complex, so much so that conditions like Alzheimer’s remain largely a mystery as to cause and predisposition.  The focus of this study, more than 9,000 middle-aged men, were asked to rate the degree to which they “ruminate” over family and work difficulties.  Those who tended to “over think” or “ruminate” were 40% less likely to suffer dementia than their more carefree counterparts.  

It seems that “over think” or “ruminate” is a sophisticated way of saying “worrying.”  While worrying might be thought to be good for the brain, it’s not good for the soul.  It may be awfully tempting to worry about health, finance, relationships, family, occupation, enemies, friends, time, and the future, but it can also be sinful (cf. Matt. 6:24-33).  A repeated principle of scripture is to “trust in the Lord and do not lean on your own understanding” (cf. Prov. 3:5-6).  When our hearts fully trust and believe that God is in control of our lives and will ultimately save our souls, where is there room left there for worry?  If you want a healthy brain, read more, do crossword puzzles, drink green tea, and, best of all, fill your mind with God’s Word!  Don’t worry.  — Neal Pollard 

Get a FREE on-line Bible commentary on the book of Romans through  You may also get a FREE daily devotional by subscribing to my rss feed – or follow me on twitter.  I also operate a Christian blog on blogspot.

Survey on Alzheimer's Disease

Please take a moment to complete this Alzheimer’s Disease survey question poll:

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 Get a FREE on-line Bible commentary on the book of Romans through  You may also get a FREE daily devotional by subscribing to my rss feed – or follow me on twitter.  I also operate a Christian blog on blogspot.


Reverse osmosis – is it worthwhile?

Are you thinking about a reverse osmosis system for your house?  I have used one and LOVED it.  They are not cheap, but they do make for TASTY water.  If you have been if “a reverse osmosis system is worth it,” the answer may be found in just how important “good water” is to you.

Here is your chance to participate in a “reverse osmosis survey.”

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Get a FREE on-line Bible commentary on the book of Romans through  You may also get a FREE daily devotional by subscribing to my rss feed – or follow me on twitter.  I also operate a Christian blog on blogspot.



John receives a vision about heaven in Revelation 21:1-8.  He heard a loud voice and it came from the throne (cf. 16:17; 19:5).  So, he receives this information from an unsurpassed authority and unrivaled royalty.  We read the throttling, earth-shattering effect of the infinite God as it were clearing His throat and calling John to rapt attention.  But what does God say to John?  He utters no fewer than six promises about heaven.John heard a promise of relationship (3).  Heaven is a place where we’ll be able to enter the inner courts of God’s presence.  The image of the tabernacle takes us back to the Old Testament, when only the High Priest on one day could come into God’s presence.  John pictures the saved being able to freely and intimately enjoy fellowship with God Himself.  We will see Him, talk with Him, live with Him, and know Him in a way only heaven will permit.

John heard a promise of relief (4).  John stresses that the things that bother us most now will be “no longer.”  They will have passed away.  Emotional and physical pain, wounds of body and spirit, and a hundred hundred different hurts will be no more. The all-powerful God will play an active role in making these hurts permanently past tense.

John heard a promise of renewal (5).  God’s power has already been sufficiently seen.  With unconditional promise and unqualified ability, He says, “I make ALL things new!”  Our built in limitations keep us from being able to comprehend the change from earth to heaven.  Yet, our new home, our new body, our new circumstances–all of it will be new!

John heard a promise of refreshing (6).  It is a HOPEFUL promise, as is proven by Who is giving it.  It is a SATISFYING promise, proven by the imagery describing it–“the water of life.”  It is a HUMBLING promise, as is proven by the way it is given–“freely (or without cost).”  For all that’s unsatisfying about this life, heaven will fill our every longing.

John heard a promise of residence (7).  John speaks of a spiritual inheritance borne of a new and intimate relationship.  I won’t be a stranger, guest, or temporary resident.  Heaven will be my eternal home.

John heard a promise of refuge (8).  Heaven will be wonderful because of who will not and cannot be there.  The child molesters, the perverse, the unfaithful, the rapists, the mass murderers or the atheists won’t be there.  Only the redeemed will be there.

Thank God that because of great texts like Revelation 21:1-8, we can be confident that there is more beyond and that it is beyond our fondest hopes.

–Neal Pollard

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 Get a FREE on-line Bible commentary on the book of Romans through  You may also get a FREE daily devotional by subscribing to my rss feed – or follow me on twitter.  I also operate a Christian blog on blogspot.

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The Man Who Swallows Anything


   There must be awards for the television program that shows the most repulsive images. I’ve seen (short) clips of people swallowing indescribable objects and organisms just so their face can appear on the TV screen.
   I’m confident there are better ways to find one’s fifteen minutes of fame. I refuse to watch such programming.
   On Wednesday, November 11, the Associated Press told of a man in Peru who swallowed hardware. Doctors in Cajamarca, Peru reported finding a pound and a half of metal objects in the stomach of Requelme Abanto. The objects included nails, coins, rusted wire and scrap metal.
   In the story, Abanto bragged of swallowing seventeen five-inch nails in one day. He speculated that he might begin giving public performances of his unusual appetite. Not surprisingly, some suggest that Abanto may have mental health issues.
   Most would never think of swallowing live worms or rusted nails. But do we regularly swallow other things that have even more serious effects?
   Jesus warned us about gazing upon things that are sinful:
   “The lamp of the body is the eye. If    therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye isbad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that
   darkness!” (Matthew 6:22,23, NKJV).
   Ours is a visually-oriented society. Thanks to television and the Internet, we see activities that our ancestors never knew about.
   Satan knows how much we like to look. Eve’s decision to disregard God’s law came when she “saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise…” (Genesis 3:6).
   Once the image was allowed to remain in her mind, it was a short distance to committing the first sin.
   Christians today often place too much confidence in their ability to resist temptation. “I can handle this,” they answer while watching a show filled with sinful content. “It won’t affect me.”
   We need to be reminded of Paul’s words: “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits'” (1 Corinthians 15:33).
Are those words less true because the “company” is present by means of a cable?

I consider it a healthy thing to be grossed out by the thought of swallowing repulsive objects. Why are we not upset at the idea of swallowing things that might fatally infect our souls?

by Tim Hall

Get a FREE on-line Bible commentary on the book of Romans through  You may also get a FREE daily devotional by subscribing to my rss feed – or follow me on twitter.  I also operate a Christian blog on blogspot.

Procreating For Prizes!


Here is a story you may have heard about out of Russia.
A Russian region of Ulyanovsk has found a novel way to fight the nation’s birth-rate crisis: It declared September 12th the “Day of Conception,” and for the third year running gave couples time off from work to procreate.
The hope is for a brood of babies exactly nine months later on Russia’s national day. Couples who “give birth to a patriot” during the June 12th festivities win money, cars, refrigerators, and other prizes.
Ulyanovsk, about 550 miles east of Moscow, has held similar contests since 2005. Since then, the number of competitors, and the number of babies born to them, has been on the rise.
Russia, with one-seventh of Earth’s land surface, has just 141.4 million citizens, making it one of the most sparsely settled countries in the world. With a low birth rate and a high death rate, the population has been shrinking since the early 1990s.
In his state-of-the-nation address last year, President Vladimir Putin called the demographic crisis the most acute problem facing Russia and announced a broad effort to boost Russia’s birth rate, including cash incentives to families that have more than one child.
Ulyanovsk Gov. Sergei Morozov has added an element of fun to the national campaign.
The 2007 grand prize went to Irina and Andrei Kartuzov, who received a UAZ-Patriot, a sport utility vehicle. Other contestants won video cameras, TVs, refrigerators and washing machines.
So, it amounts to procreating for prizes. Is there anything morally wrong here? Not so far as I can tell. One would simply hope these Russian parents will be even more interested in a proper upbringing of these children than they are in the prizes that may result. If God has blessed you with children, take this moment to remember His counsel regarding the priceless treasure that is yours:

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127:3-5, ESV

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Beloved Bamboo


Once upon a time, in the heart of an ancient Kingdom, there was a beautiful garden.

And there, in the cool of the day, the Master of the garden would walk.  Of all the plants of the garden, the most beautiful and most beloved was gracious and noble bamboo.  Year after year, bamboo grew yet more noble and gracious, conscious of his Master’s love and watchful delight, but modest and gentle withal.  And often when the wind came to revel in the garden, Bamboo would dance and play, tossing and swaying and leaping and bowing in joyous abandon, leading the Great Dance of the garden, which most delighted the Master’s heart.

Now, once upon a day, the Master himself drew near to contemplate his Bamboo with eyes of curious expectancy.  And Bamboo, in a passion of adoration, bowed his great head to the ground in loving greeting.  The Master spoke: “Bamboo, Bamboo, I would use you.”  Bamboo flung his head to the sky in utter delight.  The day of days had come, the day for which he had been made, the day to which he had been growing hour by hour, the day in which he would find his completion and his destiny.His voice came low: “Master, I’m ready.  Use me as you wish.”  “Bamboo,” The Master’s voice was grave “I would have to take you and cut you down!”  A trembling of great horror shook Bamboo…”Cut …me… down?  Me.. whom you, Master, has made the most beautiful in all thy Garden…cut me down!  Ah, not that.  Not that.  Use me for the joy, use me for the glory, oh master, but do not cut me down!” 

“Beloved Bamboo,” The Master’s voice grew graver still “If I do not cut you down, I cannot use you.”   The garden grew still.   Wind held his breath.  Bamboo slowly bent his proud and glorious head.   There was a whisper: “Master, if you cannot use me other than to cut me down.. then do your will and cut”.

“Bamboo, beloved Bamboo, I would cut your leaves and branches from you also”.  “Master, spare me. Cut me down and lay my beauty in the dust; but would you also have to take from me my leaves and branches too?”  “Bamboo, if I do not cut them away, I cannot use you.”  The Sun hid his face. A listening butterfly glided fearfully away.  And Bamboo shivered in terrible expectancy, whispering low: “Master, cut away”

“Bamboo, Bamboo, I would yet… split you in two and cut out your heart, for if I cut not so, I cannot use you.”  Then Bamboo bowed to the ground: “Master, Master… then cut and split.”

So did the Master of the garden took Bamboo…
and cut him down…
and hacked off his branches…
and stripped off his leaves…
and split him in two…
and cut out his heart.

And lifting him gently, the Master carried Bamboo to where there was a spring of fresh sparkling water in the midst of his dry fields.  Then putting one end of the broken Bamboo in the spring and the other end into the water channel in the field, the Master gently laid down his beloved Bamboo… And the spring sang welcome, and the clear sparkling waters raced joyously down the channel of bamboo’s torn body into the waiting fields.  Then the rice was planted, and the days went by, and the shoots grew and the harvest came.

In that day Bamboo, once so glorious in his stately beauty, was yet more glorious in his brokenness and humility.  For in his beauty he was life abundant, but in his brokenness he became a channel of abundant life to his Master’s world.

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). 

–Mike Benson

Thy will be done in heaven and on earth

Does your Bible say “thy will be done ON earth” or “thy will be done IN earth” in Mt. 6:10?

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God’s will IN and ON the earth

 1)    In Mt. 6:10 the KJV says “thy will be done IN earth.”

2)    The ASV says, Thy will be done, as in heaven, so ON earth.”

 3)    What is God’s will for modern man?

4)    Rom. 12:2 –  “Do not be conformed to this world.”

5)    In 1 Thess. 4:3 Paul said, “this is the will of God.”

a)     Two points are made in 1 Thess. 4:13 – READ

6)    1 Thess. 4:13 says, “abstain from fornication.”

a)     Paul said we do not want to be involved with sexual sin.

b)    We do not want to commit this sin as individuals.

c)     Neither do we want to let our mind accept thinking that tolerates this type of activity.

d)    Eph. 5:17 – READ

7)    The word “foolish” has the sense of “mindless.”

8)    There are people in life who have a “mindless” approach to Christianity.

9)    1 Thess. 5:18.

10)           Paul said it is God’s will that we be thankful people.

11)           God wants us to be grateful in our life no matter what our circumstances.

a)     Based on the preceding passages, God’s will is often NOT done on the earth.

b)    Think of how many people are NOT thankful.

c)     We live in a world of thankless people.

12)           God’s will is not done in the area of wisdom.

13)           People commit the most mindless acts that lead to death, injury, and prison.

a)     God wants people to be holy (Rom. 12:1-2), but think of the ungodliness in the world.

14)           God says pray that His will be done ON earth.

15)           This is so important it is included in what many refer to as the model prayer.

a)     Many have said a better world starts with us.    

16)           Jesus’ life did not change everyone.

17)           Our life is also going to affect others.

18)           We can help God’s will be done on the earth by first doing it in our own life.

a)     Doing God’s will falls into two different categories.

19)           We cannot start to do God’s will unless we become a Christian.

20)           Part of God’s will is becoming one of His people.

21)           Then we must be the best Christian we can possibly be.

A Privilege of Christian Loyalty

    If we are “in Christ,” we are a child of God (Ephesians 1:5-7). Do you realize what a grand privilege that is? To be a child of One who has all power, as well as the Author of eternal life is a privilege that should be sought after above all things.
    Question: Do you enjoy taking care of your children? Do you enjoy providing for them? Do you enjoy helping them solve problems in their life? Do you enjoy “showing yourself strong” in their behalf (cf. 2Chronicles 16:9)? Do you still love your children when they “slip-up?” Aren’t you anxious to help your children be all that they can be? And, when you know you can trust your children, doesn’t it please you to be able to give them wider boundaries and more responsibilities?  Of course you do!  To explain “why” you do is something beyond words, and can only be summerized in the word “love.”
    “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” (Matt. 7:11).
    All God asks in return is for us to be loyal to Him. Do you think that’s asking too much? In 1John 3:18-19, it tells us that if we love in “deed” and “truth” (according to His word – John 17:17), then our hearts are ASSURED before Him. The same verses tell us that love is not just something we “talk” about, love is something we “do.” We demonstrate our love toward God by our obedience to His Will. In 1John 5:14-15, God promises to answer any prayer that is according to His Will, if we keep His commandments.
    Remember what God told David after David had sinned with Bathsheba? He said: “It was I who annointed you king … It was I who delivered you from your enemies … It was I who gave you your master’s house … It was I who gave you the house of Israel and Judah … and if that had been too little, I would have given you much more!” (2Sam. 12:7-8).  That’s the kind of God we have opportunity to serve, and all He asks in return is that we repent of our sins (Acts 17:30); that we are “baptized into Christ” (Galatians 3:27), where His love is (Rom. 8:39), and be faithful (Rev. 2:10).                  
                                                                               –Toby Miller

Evolutionary Dating Flaws

Evolutionary dating methods are inherently flawed.
Even those who espouse the ancient earth
philosophy are forced to admit that their dating
methods are often wildly inaccurate and that they
produce anomalous results. Consider:
“Several years ago some scientists discovered
human bones buried under thick deposits of mud
in California. The bones were submitted to
‘competent’ authorities who declared them to be
about 75,000 years old. Unfortunately, however,
as they dug deeper, they found an old United
States Army button. Now, maybe the United States
had an army 75,000 years ago–or just maybe the
scientific dating methods are not all that
reliable” (Wayne Jackson, “Scientific Red
Faces,” Reasoning from Revelation, Jan., ’91,
p. 3).
“Recently an archaeological excavation team, led
by professor Mitsuo Kawaga of Beppu University,
discovered drawings on the wall of a cave on the
Japanese island of Kyushu. The excited scientists
announced that the drawings were from 10,000 to
13,000 years old. Alas, a lifelong resident of
the area came forward to confess that he had
often scribbled on the walls of the cave when he
was a boy. The ‘scientists’ had only missed it by
about 99.99%” (Ibid).
“USA Today. February 2000. Red-faced scientists
today were forced to admit that archaeoraptor,
which editors of National Geographic magazine
had announced in the July 1999 issue as the
“missing link” between dinosaurs and birds,
turned out to be a clever forgery by a Chinese
smuggler. The supposedly bird-like creature,
with the tail of a meat-eating dinosaur,
sprouted its remarkable tail recently, rather
than 120 million years ago” (Duane Schmidt,
“Red-Faced Scientists,” And God Created Darwin,
p. 118).
“In the June 1982 issue of Industrial Research
and Development, Dr. Frederic B. Jueneman said,
‘The age of the globe is thought to be some 4.5
billion years, based on radiodecay rates …
Such ‘confirmation’ may be short-lived, as nature
is not to be discovered quite so easily. There
has been in recent years the horrible realization
that radiodecay rates are not as constant as
previously thought, nor are they immune to
environmental influences …  And this could mean
that the atomic clocks are reset during some
global disaster, and events which brought the
Mesozoic (Age–of the geologic time scale) to a
close may not be 65 million years ago but, rather,
within the age and memory of man.”

Commenting on Dr. Jueneman’s disclosure, Wayne
Jackson observed, “This is an utterly devastating
admission. It concedes that if some global
disaster has occurred in the ancient past (what
about the biblical Flood?), then the radiometic
clocks are virtually worthless” (Wayne Jackson,
“Earth-dating Techniques–Assumptions Required,”
Creation, Evolution, and the Age of the Earth,
p. 9).
These kinds of examples could be multiplied a
thousand-fold, and yet theistic evolutionists
continue to produce and endorse “evidence” (i.e.,
propaganda) of an old earth while simultaneously
wiping egg off their faces.

How can they consistently do so? The answer is,
they can’t. But rather than admit the accuracy
and authority of Scripture, so-called scientists
hold up fanciful conjecture as indisputable fact.  
The earth did not evolve over eons of time; it
was created in less than a week. Moses, through
inspiration (2 Timothy 3:16; cf 2 Peter 1:21)
wrote, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens
and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested”
(Exodus 31:17; cf 20:11).
–by Mike Benson

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The fountain of youth

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TWENTY-SEVEN PEOPLE are banking on the idea that modern science will someday find or engineer a fountain of youth…
Those twenty-seven people, all deceased, are “patients” of the Alcor Life Extension Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona, where their bodies have been frozen in liquid nitrogen at minus 320 degree Fahrenheit awaiting the day when medical science discovers a way to make death and aging a thing of the past.  Ten of the patients paid $120,000 to have their entire body frozen.  Seventeen of the patients paid $50,000 to have only their head frozen, hoping that molecular technology will one day be able to grow a whole new body from their head or its cells.  It sounds like science fiction, by it is called cryonics.

As you can imagine, cryonics has its share of critics and skeptics.  Of course, Stephen Bridge, president of Alcor, cautions, “We have to tell people that we don’t even really know if it will work yet.”  Nevertheless, Thomas Donaldson, a fifty-year-old member of Alcor who hasn’t yet taken advantage of its services, brushed aside the naysayers and explained to a reporter why he’s willing to give cryonics a try: “For some strange reason, I like being alive…I don’t want to die.”

There is a more certain way to bring about the hope of eternal life.

 “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live'” (John 11:25).
–Mike Benson

Wedding ring story

There is a beautiful and convincing explanation given by the Chinese as to why wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger. Each finger represents a relationship:

Thumb: your parents

Second (index) finger: your siblings

Middle finger: yourself

Fourth (ring) finger: your life partner

Last (little) finger: your children.

First, open your hands (palm to palm), bend the middle fingers, and hold them together-back to back. Second, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb-tip to tip.

Now, try to separate your thumbs (representing the parents). They will open- because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong, and have to leave you sooner or later.

Join your thumbs as before and separate your index fingers (representing siblings). They will also open, because your brothers and sisters will have their own families and will lead their own separate lives.

Now join the index fingers and separate your little fingers (representing your children). They will open too, because the children will get married and settle down on their own some day.

Finally, join your little fingers, and try to separate your ring fingers (representing your spouse). You will be surprised to see that you cannot, because husband and wife have to remain together all their lives-through thick and thin!

“For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth.” -Romans 7:2

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Who is Jesus Christ?

SHE WAS, SO Adolph Hitler once said, “the most dangerous woman in England…”

Who was she?  A spy?  A nuclear scientist, on the verge of discovering the ultimate weapon?  Yet she outlived Hitler, Goering, Himmler, and Mengele, the gruesome foursome. Churchill, Roosevelt, Montgomery, and MacArthur, the men who stood for something right, too, have long been dead.  Perhaps Americans and a new generation of Britons have forgotten what this lady meant to the nation in those dark days.

When Hitler’s bombers lit the night with tracers, when London burned, when Londoners huddled in shelters, the night finally came when Buckingham palace, too, was hit.  Inside the palace were the two royal princesses, Elizabeth (later to be Queen Elizabeth II) and Margaret.  Anxious newspaper reporters who toured the charred walls of the palace the next day asked the question that was on everybody’s mind: Shouldn’t the royal family spirit the princesses away from the center of London for their own safety?  The queen mother’s answer was a classic: “The children will not leave unless I do,” she began. “I shall not leave unless their father does,” she added, “and the King will not leave the country in any circumstances whatever.”

Elizabeth, the feisty Queen Mother, was exactly what the nation needed at that moment.  There must have been an irresistible temptation for royalty not to share in the troubles of her subjects.  After all, even a Queen Mum loves her children!  With the whiff of smoke and flames in the air and the scream of falling bombs overhead, the British royal family remained in London.

THOUGHTS: When the world burned with hatred and sin, God could have sheltered his son in the comforts of heaven, but he did not. Jesus became human and endured the indignities of humanity.  He walked the dusty streets of Palestine, had “no place to lay his head,” and suffered death, surely the factor all humans have in common.  He came to a burning planet and was singed by the same passions we all know.  This gives him the empathy that all great figures in history have possessed.  He understands our plight.  From Satan’s point of view, that makes Jesus the most dangerous man in history!  (Stan Mitchell)

 “Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted” (Heb. 2:18).
–Mike Benson

A "skunk survey"


(Be sure to take the “skunk survey” at the end of this article)

    A sister in one congregation related an amazing story to my wife.  It seems that a skunk (or two?) got into the crawl space under the church building.  An exterminator was called, and he promptly killed the skunk.  The problem was, he left it there.  When everyone showed up for mid-week services, the smell was so overpowering that everyone got nauseous.  The smell remained on their clothing even after they returned home.  It sounds humorous, but it must have been a real ordeal!
    I wonder how many skunks get under churches.  They perch under them and really make themselves known.  They leave such an effect that it is often carried away from the church building upon the hearts, thoughts, and feelings of church members.
    PRIDE is a skunk that gets under churches.  Is anything more offensive than self-centered egotism?  It keeps people from admitting their mistakes.  It causes prejudice and haughtiness.  God hates pride (Prov. 8:13), so it must do serious harm to His people.  Pride produces dishonor (Prov. 11:2), strife (Prov. 13:10), and destruction (Prov. 16:18).  Pride is a skunk!
    GOSSIP is a skunk that gets under churches.  It is halitosis of the heart.  Every words that comes off the tongue of a gossip is foul!  God hates it, and it ruins good churches (Prov. 11:13).  I imagine it runs people off, too!
    PETTINESS is a skunk that gets under churches.  Bickering and arguing over the smallest matters is an embarrassment to faithful Christians, a black-eye for the church’s reputation, and a rank reminder that a spiritual skunk is perched beneath the surface.  Biting and devouring is a dangerous business (Gal. 5:15).
    LUKEWARMNESS is a skunk that gets under churches. The wishy washy, uncommitted spirit of the Laodiceans made God nauseous (Rev. 3:16).  When a church just comes to keep house and is not involved, what a stench the church becomes to the community.  A “Ho-Hum” attitude is a skunk that gets under churches.
    We need to exterminate the skunks by removing them from the church, ridding ourselves of any and all attitudes and actions inconsistent with the will of Christ.  We are to draw all men to Christ (cf. John 12:32; Dan. 12:2) rather than repel lost sinners and other brethren (cf. Acts 13:8).  What kind of impression are you leaving on others?  Babylon of old was in trouble; consequently, God said, “Its stench will arise and its foul smell will come up…” (Joel 2:20).  May we learn from them, deciding instead to send up to heaven (and out toward others), “the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place” (2 Cor. 2:14).
Neal Pollard
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