Visitation tips for preachers

Anytime we make a visit with Christ as its motivation there are a few wise things to keep in mind. The impression you leave behind has eternal impact.

If you have any visitation tips for preachers, feel free to post them in the *comment box* below.

  • Always pray and be prayed for before you make your first visit.  God’s blessing of the work you are doing will smooth many of the difficulties you will face. Visitation can be awkward for both parties in the visit. Knowing God is in the group certainly makes it better.
  • Realize you are not going to see harvest before you first sow and cultivate. No farmer expects same day reaping and sowing. You are not in control of the harvest any way, you are a planter and cultivator (1 Cor 3:6).
  • People need to be asked not pushed. Don’t force a visit, ask for permission to come inside, ask if they would like to visit. Allowing the power to be in their hands as much as possible.
  • Always be clean and neat. If you want to make a good impression for the Lord and His church make sure you don’t stink, track dirt or look like disheveled. Carry and use breath mints (Every door, every time).
  • Don’t dress too formally. Dress nice but casual. People will respond to comfortable more than formal.
  • Be sweet and courteous. If the folks are settling down for supper, reschedule your visit. If you can compliment something about their house, yard, children etc., then sincerely make a kind remark.
  • Don’t be shocked by worldliness. You will always face the devil when you do the Lord’s work. Often when we visit it is because the devil has ownership of a situation. We are trying to change that. Don’t expect people to know how to do everything the Christian way. That takes time to learn.
  • Watch your “church language.” Not everyone understands the jargon of church goers. Until people are taught the Bible they won’t know what elders, deacons, baptism and other bible terms mean.
  • You need to know people’s names if you are going to really connect with them. Before you even get to the door have the names memorized. Don’t flaunt their name like a salesman but use it to build rapport. Try to get to know the names of other people living in the house. When and if these visits produce fruit you will win much favor by knowing their names as you see them at the assembly. Children also love to be recognized and greeted.
  • Be unpretentious and sincere during your visit. Be honestly interested in that person, their interests and their needs. Nothing can turn a visit sour worse than false flattery or imitation concern. Take the time to really listen to what people are saying, and respond to their needs.
  • Have a brief plan for your visit. I use the Acrostic FORM. “F” discuss their family, “O” work concerns and interest in their occupation. “R” religious involvement or church background. “M” your message or reason for the visit.

Stick to this simple order so you can keep your visit focused and brief. Work on transitions so they become natural and not contrived.

If you truly love people and have a concern for their soul these things will be pretty natural. Working on them before you visit will help you become a better worker for the Lord.

Joe Chase
North Loop Church of Christ
Gladewater, Texas

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