A new fellowship – BALLOON BROTHERS!

Today I received an unusual offer.  A man asked if I wanted to become a “balloon brother.”

The fellow who offered me this opportunity is a part time balloon bender (he and other “balloon artists” turn balloons into various items, many of which are animals).  This “twister” offered to make me a “fellow twister” and said we could be in fellowship with one another.  If I wanted to get involved with balloon bending, there would be no cost, plus the balloons and guidance would all be free.

With a new grandson on the way I may just learn how to twist a few balloons together.  Maybe I could twist up a sword and a balloon belt to hold it or perhaps make a colorful dinosaur.

The few minutes I spent with this balloon artist left me with a lot to think about.  On the outside this man seemed to radiate joy.  Beneath the glowing and bubbly exterior was a man in pain.  Several years ago this twister had worked as an unpaid preacher.  At some point he lost his faith and now wants to reclaim it.  After hearing him highlight his life I left him with some encouragement and a card for the free Bible study at www.lordletmegrow.com.

The offer for me to become a “balloon brother” brought to mind 1 Pet. 2:17, a passage where Peter said, “love the brotherhood.”  The world offers many sisterhoods and brotherhoods, but God’s brotherhood is the greatest of all.  It is also the only one that has eternal value.

Some organizations such as the one affiliated with the balloon twister allow people to join without cost, obligation, or commitment.  The church built by Christ (Mt. 16:18) is the opposite of all these things.  The church of Christ was bought with the blood of Christ (Mt. 16:18).  Its members are obligated to seek spiritual things first (Mt. 6:33), and be so committed they are “living sacrifices” (Rom. 12:1).

When people are offered a brotherhood membership in an organization like balloon twisting, they often accept it with great joy.  The offer to be part of the church which Jesus died for—an offer extended to all people—is often rejected and sometimes scorned.  These choices will one day examined; a time will come when people will be asked if they were part of the right brotherhood—the church established by the Lord.  When this day of examination comes, what will be true of and for us?

Today and throughout the remainder of this week ponder these questions:  Who knows me and refers to me as brother or sisterDoes God regard me as brother or sister in His kingdom because of my obedience to Christ?

Brad Price