Seeking first the Kingdom of God

Several years ago, I baptized a young man who played on a local High School football team. As I walked into the water, I could feel through my rubber wader that the water was really cold! I apologized to the young man and said that I was sorry to tell him that the water heater had apparently stopped functioning and that the water was cold. In a macho sort of way, he said, “No problem, that doesn’t matter to me.” Then he put his first foot in the water. To say it took his breath would be an understatement. He stood there a long time before he ever attempted to put his second foot in, and for about the next 10 minutes, he inched his way into the baptistery. (So much for macho!)

I share that story because I think it illustrates how some people try to serve God. Instead of just giving themselves fully to him, they try to “inch” their way into following him. Friends, God is not looking for “toe testers” to test the waters of discipleship, he’s looking for “cannonballers” who are wholly sold out to Christianity.

Friends, which are you more like? Are you testing the waters, or have you jumped in? Give it some thought.

Steve Higginbotham

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