A woman would be more charming if one could fall into her arms without falling into her hands

Ambrose Bierce was a cynic about many things. He is said to have left American society for the “good, kind darkness” of Mexico because of the things he felt were wrong in American society.

Here are some Bierce definitions:

“Advice – the smallest current coin.”
“Bore – a person who talks when you wish him
to listen.”
“Cynic – a blackguard whose faulty vision
sees things as they are, not as they ought
to be.”
“Prejudice – a vagrant opinion without
visible means of support.”

And here’s what he said about the fairer gender. “A woman would be more charming if one could fall into her arms without falling into her hands.” Not only was he a cynic, with this view he was probably also a bachelor!

Perhaps women understand, better than most men, that a relationship is only really fulfilling when it carries a level of commitment.

Many steer away from Christianity for the same reason.  They sense that living for Christ demands more than simply “falling into” Christ’s arms, that it also requires that we “fall into” his hands.

Typically we want to hit pay dirt without getting dirty. We want the Christ of the cross without taking up the cross of Christ.

But the true rewards of Christianity are not won cheaply. One must invest energy into it by means of study and prayer. One must make lifestyle changes (the Bible calls this repentance) before the fulfillment Christ brings can be felt. Jesus put it this way:

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny
himself, take up his cross, and follow me”
(Matthew 16:24, ESV).

Christ wishes to be more than charming; he seeks to save. Are you ready for an investment? Then begin to get dirty!

–by Stan Mitchell

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