REAL men love Jesus

Do you remember the bumper sticker that says, “Real men love Jesus”? I like it.

It counters the perception that Christian dedication is for women, children and wimps. Real men–those who work hard and can look you in the eye–don’t take Christianity seriously.

After all, there’s the image of that long-haired, rouged-cheeked Jesus to overcome. Could you follow a man like that?

And speaking of cheeks, what about that business of “turning the other” one? That’s not for real men!

So let me remind you that Jesus was a carpenter, with work-callused hands and labor hardened muscles.

Did you think he went down to ACE Lumber to get his wood? Not for this real man! He climbed a nearby hill and cut his own timber! When’s the last time you cut down a tree with an ax? It’s hard work!

And look at those whom he commanded. Fishermen and Simon the mercenary; army veterans (“centurions”) and flint-eyed hermits like John the Baptist.

Here was a man whom other men respected and followed.
Here was a man of integrity and conviction, one who possessed the correct blend of strength and gentleness.

“Follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” And do you want to know the most amazing thing about this story? They did! “Immediately they left their nets and followed him” (Matthew 4:19,20, ESV).

Real men once followed Jesus. Real men still do.

by Stan Mitchell

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