Pornography dehumanizes in three ways

Richard Mansel goes to the Bible to answer … “The
Most Important Question.” Great for classes, groups,

God created us as sexual beings (Genesis 1:31).
However, sex is a gift to be enjoyed only within the
confines of marriage (Hebrews 13:4; Matthew 5:27-28).

God wants husbands and wives to enjoy the sexual union
within the one-flesh marriage (Song of Solomon; 1
Corinthians 7:1-5; Genesis 2:18-25; Ephesians 5:22-29).

Naturally, Satan took the beautiful creation of God and
turned it into something evil and enslaving. Thus,
pornography was born.

Pornography dehumanizes in three ways:

1. Porn turns people into appliances

It teaches that desirable men and women are animate
bodies available only for our pleasure. In other words,
vibrant human beings, created in God’s image (Genesis
1:26), are to be used and discarded as so much garbage.

Countless people have degraded themselves based on this
lie. The psychological wounds from pornography are

2. Porn distorts reality

Pornography is founded on lies and deception and
presents a false ideal that cannot be attained beyond
the camera’s eye.

Porn makes promises that cannot be fulfilled. Fantasies
are often nothing more than elaborate hoaxes that lead
to frustration and hopelessness. It sends us after an
ideal that does not exist.

Porn is a drug where we become obsessed with the next
hit only to find that it never satisfies.

3. Porn destroys pleasure and intimacy

Since it chases a manufactured ideal, real human
spouses cannot compete. In time, sexual satisfaction in
marriage becomes impossible. Satan takes sex out of the
bedroom and into the pits of depravity.

Lies and deception have no place in marriage, but they
are the lifeblood of porn.

Sex, as created by God is beautiful but the version
conjured by Satan will take away everything we have.

Moments of pleasure cannot match a lifetime of joy
together within the bond of matrimony. If we will trust
God’s plan, we will find the true power of pleasure and
we will forever be grateful.

–by Richard Mansel

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