25 Things Christians Need to Pray About More

In the hurry of our day to day lives we often stop to say a prayer at one of three times:

  1. When we wake up, right before our busyness begins,
  2. Before we fall asleep, capping off our busy day or
  3. Before we hastily throw food into our mouths

It’s not wrong to pray at these times, but sometimes this repetitive schedule or prayer leads to repetitive prayers (Matthew 6:7), and before we know it we’re praying the same ole things at the same ole time as usual (at least that’s what happens to me).

This being the case I thought it’d be good to write out a list of things we, probably, don’t pray about all that often. Consider this list as a way to break up the monotony of our repetitious prayers. This list certainly isn’t exhaustive (add more prayer suggestions in the comments below), but can help us to refocus on the fact that we’re talking to the Almighty God of the universe. Praying about things we normally don’t will help us remember that fact. Here are 25 things we need to pray about more:

  1. Our government
  2. Our nation
  3. The community you live in
  4. The homeless
  5. Children without parents
  6. People who do not know Christ
  7. Those that have run away from God
  8. Those that are struggling with addiction
  9. Being a better father/mother
  10. Being a better spiritual leader
  11. Becoming a more active member of the body
  12. Your enemies
  13. The house you live in
  14. Your children
  15. Your preacher/ministers
  16. Your congregation
  17. The hungry
  18. Missionaries
  19. Those dying for their beliefs
  20. Our military
  21. Your spiritual life
  22. Widows/widowers
  23. Those that have recently lost loved ones
  24. The spread of the gospel
  25. Opportunities to reach those that are lost

I hope that this list will help to improve the prayer lives of all who read it. Prayer is too serious an action to be relegated to something rote and routine. Feel free to print this list out or revisit it as you have need.

Our busy lives can bring meaningful prayer to a grinding halt. Take prayer back and make it personal again by infusing new topics into your discussion with God. We don’t necessarily need to pray more, but we do need to make sure that the prayers we’re saying matter and this list of 25 is a good place to start.

Jack Dodgen

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