Will we be victorious, or will we fall?

SOME TIME AGO National Geographic ran an article about the Alaskan bull moose…

The males of the species battle for dominance during the fall breeding season, literally going head-to-head with antlers crunching together as they collide.  Often the antlers, their only weapon, are broken.  That ensures defeat.  The heftiest moose, with the largest and strongest antlers, triumphs.

Therefore, the battle fought in the fall is really won during the summer, when the moose continually eat.  The one that consumes the best diet for growing antlers and gaining weight will be the heavyweight in the fight.  Those that eat inadequately sport weaker antlers and less bulk.

THOUGHT:  Spiritual battles await us.  Satan will choose a season to attack.  Will we be victorious, or will we fall?  Much depends on what we do now–before the wars begin.  Remember the bull-moose principle: enduring faith, strength, and wisdom for trials are best developed before they’re needed.  Bruce Howell

“I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.”  Job 23:12

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