Tag Archives: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Maybe that means God simply doesn’t have anything to say to us tonight.

This will be the last post till on or about 2/13.

SOME YEARS AGO I sat near the front in a worship service and watched the guest speaker pace back and forth across the stage…

He was a popular speaker in our area, and crowds had come to hear what he had to say.  My first clue that something wasn’t right was when he started saying, “I forgot my Bible tonight.”

But that didn’t deter him.  He explained that for days he had prayed about what God wanted him to say to us.  He told stories about how he had taken walks in the neighborhood, sat at coffee shops, and reclined in his study.  He was funny, witty, and engaging, and he kept the crowd entertained.

When he came to the conclusion, these were his exact words: “I tried to do everything I could to figure out what God wanted to say to us, but nothing ever came to my mind.  So maybe that means God simply doesn’t have anything to say to us tonight.”  With that, he prayed and walked off the stage.

I sat there with my Bible in my hands, dumbfounded.  God didn’t have anything to say to us tonight?  There I was, holding a library of sixty-six books that are decidedly and definitively the Word of God, and this guy had just said that God doesn’t have a word for us?  In my mind I said to this guy, “Just open this book anywhere–to Leviticus, for all I care–and read it, and you’ve got a word from God.  Save yourself the walk around the neighborhood and the cost of your mocha.  Just read the book, and God is saying something to us.”  David Platt, “God is Saying Something,” RADICAL Together, 39-40
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  2 Timothy 3:16-17; cf. 2 Peter 1:3

Mike Benson