Tag Archives: Claude Robertson minister

We are surrounded by giants, some of whom are within our ranks.

Read again the story of David’s confrontation with Goliath (1 Sam. 17:17-49). David was but a youth; inexperienced in the field of battle.  Goliath was a giant; a man of war. But David loved God, and because of that love, he was determined not to let this “uncircumcised Philistine” defy the armies of God.  When David heard the accusations of the opponent of Israel, David spoke to those nearby:  “What shall be done to the man that killeth the Philistine, and taketh away the reproach from Israel?”  Was Goliath the real threat to Israel?  Of course not. It was Israel herself. Fear had set in among the ranks, and when David came upon the scene and began to honestly inquire about this challenge to Israel, that fear was manifested in anger against David.  Eliab, David’s brother, began to accuse David of haughtiness.  “I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thy heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle” (vs 23). But David would not be deterred nor discouraged. Listen to his words: “What have I now done?  Is there not a cause?”

We are surrounded by giants, some of whom are within our ranks. They are defying the army of God. But it seems that when someone stands up to answer the challenge of the “giants” confronting Israel, the words of Eliab echo thru the years.  It is those who are willing to face the giants, rather than the giants themselves, who receive the criticism.  Imagine this scenario: A church has met for a worship service. At the appropriate time a man claiming to be a gospel preacher, steps into the pulpit and begins the morning lesson.  Instead of the old “book, chapter and verse” sermons we used to hear, the audience gets a harangue of error in the form of higher criticism, disrespect of the Bible and/or Bible authority, or amusing anecdotes to sooth and entertain those in the audience.  Doctrine is belittled and emotions are exalted. Unity in diversity is encouraged. Those sitting in the pews are getting nothing but spiritual “junk food.”  But there are “Davids” in the audience.  The challenge has been given by this giant, and those who love the truth and their Lord respond.  “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of God?”  But instead of encouragement from the brethren, this humble man or woman is accused of naughtiness of heart.   All of a sudden, the man teaching error is the hero, and those who love the Lord, respect the Bible, and would be willing to die for the church which Jesus built, are the enemy. I ask you brother, “Is there not a cause?”

When I was growing up I had the distinct privilege of sitting at the feet of preachers and teachers who loved the truth and were willing to die for it.  Claude Robertson was one such preacher.  On one occasion brother Robertson delivered a sermon which I will never forget.  He had drawn a picture of water flowing out of a mountain, downstream to the larger river, and finally to the ocean. In time, factories were built along the river which polluted the water.  He then said, “If you would reach the pure waters of life, you must go UP stream.”  And go up stream we must. The waters have become polluted.  There are those who would, in our generation, have us to drink of the polluted waters of human opinion and shallow preaching and teaching.  They would have us sit at the feet of men who have manifested a determination to change the nature of the church, and make the Lord’s church just one of any number of denominations.   Let us quit drinking that which will destroy, and if any man refuses to give us the pure waters of life, then let us turn a deaf ear. To imbibe in the polluted water is to bring on self destruction.  After all, “What shall a man give in exchange for his life?”

David made God’s cause his cause!  He knew that to allow Goliath to go unchallenged was tantamount to cowardice.  We admire his courage, and we simply must emulate his example.  To do otherwise would be a disappointment to our Father.  Indeed, there IS a cause! May we determine to be faithful to that cause, and to the One who died for it.

by Tom Wacaster