Tag Archives: examples of girl power

The power of women

I often hear one of my co-workers speak of “women power” at my home congregation.

He points out that much of what is accomplished in the Lord’s service is due to the efforts of so many godly ladies who work and worship in our congregation.

He’s spot on. Our women move mountains in their homes, in the congregation, in the community, as well as abroad (e.g., Tanzania).

The past couple of weeks I’ve been reading through Exodus 2, in preparation for an upcoming sermon. And the more I’ve poured over the text, the more I can’t help but notice a certain feminine prowess at work:

Jochebed, in direct defiance of Pharaoh’s orders, hid her precious son for three months (v. 2).

When she could no longer hide him, she prepared an ark- basket, placed her son (and heart) within, and left him at the edge of the Nile among the reeds (v. 3).

Pharaoh’s own daughter, in the providence of God, showed up at the exact right time, at the exact right place, found baby Moses, and rather than killing him, took him in (vv. 5- 6). Eventually she adopted the boy as her son and raised him, of all place, in Pharaoh’s palace (v. 10).

Miriam, Moses’ babysitter, kept special watch on her brother.

When Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses, she quickly intervened and offered to secure a wet nurse for the child-who just happened to be his very own mother (vv.

I can’t help but stifle a chuckle when I read how hard Pharaoh was working to murder all of the Hebrew boys (cf. 1:16, 22).

He was concerned about Hebrew man power. Little Hebrew boys would eventually grow up into formable soldiers.

Pharaoh probably should been equally concerned about Hebrew women power–exhibited by the likes of Jochebed and Miriam.

These ladies had power because they exhibited incredible faith (cf. Hebrews 11:23; James 2:14-26)!

As I think about it, raising a child in this old wicked world today is not unlike it was thousands of years ago in Egypt. Children are obviously at risk; their lives- spiritually and physically are, at times, in peril.

Godly Christian mother’s exhibit special care and try to raise and protect their offspring from the evil one (cf. 1 Timothy 3:12; Titus 2:4).

They try to shield their children from all that that will harm their lives and souls.

They cover their children’s eyes when sin is openly advanced in on TV and the internet.

They cover their children’s ears when illicit behavior is applauded in popular music.

They cover their children’s bodies when immodesty is pushed upon them by their peers.

I was richly blessed by such a lady. Many of you were too.

Take a moment today to thank heaven for her. You’re probably here today because she had some power (Proverbs 31:29-31).

by Mike Benson