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25 things you can do to point someone to go heaven

1–Pay a compliment to someone who does not like you or know you very well.
2–Choose the moral high ground, whether it be your speech or attitude or deed, especially if toward someone who has treated you ill.
3–Say a word of encouragement to someone who seems down.
4–Make a brief call, visit, or write someone who is sick, lost, spiritually slipping, or dealing with troubles.
5–Find a way to share the positive difference Christ is making in your life.
6–Spend quality time with your spouse and children.
7–Tell a friend or neighbor about an upcoming event at church and invite them to attend with you.
8–Take a meal, babysit, mow the grass, or do some similar act of service that reveals Christ to them.
9–Share a passage that you have recently found helpful with someone for whom it might have direct application to a life situation.
10–Pray for opportunities to share Christ, look for them, and seize them.
11–Never miss an opportunity to smile and say “hello”–even to STRANGERS!
12–Read your Bible while on the plane, bus, carpool, etc.–it rarely fails to start a spiritual conversation.
13–Spend time studying God’s Word on a subject that will help make you a better soul-winner.
14–Invite a new Christian over for dinner or coffee and dessert.
15–Repay evil with good.
16–Turn the other cheek.
17–Go the second mile.
18–Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt.
19–Redeem the time (people are always watching, even the ones you cannot watch watching you).
20–Pay a kindness to the elderly and the very young–they most need and appreciate it.
21–Contact a missionary, who likely has just been, is, or will soon be under stress or burdened or discouraged.
22–Give a book, tract, or bulletin that might be helpful to a non-Christian over whom you have influence.
23–Offer a sympathetic ear.
24–Shed a sympathizing tear.
25–Fill your life and heart with whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report–good influence will virtually ooze out of your pores.

Neal Pollard