Tag Archives: picture of Benjamin Franklin

Famous saying by Benjamin Franklin

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IS accredited with saying that there is nothing in this life that is certain except death and taxes…

Funny, is it not, how neither seems to come at an opportune time?  Death is something that we never come to grips with.  We deny that it happens.  We put it off until another day.  We try to run ahead of it to ensure that it never catches up.  Some even try to buy it off but they never succeed for death comes to us all.

However, this isn’t much comfort when our loved ones pass on.  We have all lost someone near and ear to us.  A grandparent.  An uncle or aunt.  A parent.  A sibling.  A close friend in the prime of life.  And when these deaths occur in trivial circumstances, the pain is almost suffocating.  A friend commits suicide.  Another is taken in an automobile accident.  A grandparent or parent who develops cancer is given only two weeks to live.  An uncle is murdered.

It happens.

It shouldn’t.

But it does.

The pain that comes from death is worse than anything else that humanity can imagine or create.  You see, death represents finality.  That’s it.  It’s the end of the line.  They are gone.  Your loved one is now only a memory.  At least that is true for those who never know Christ.  But for the ones who do, death is only a brief milestone between earth and eternity.  (Michael Whitworth)

“…It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

Mike Benson