Tag Archives: Psalm 53:1

“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God'” (Psalm 53:1, ESV)

An atheist complained to a Christian friend:

“Christians have their holidays such as Christmas and Easter, Jews have their holidays such as Passover and Yom Kippur, and Muslims have their holidays. Every religion has its holiday, but atheists don’t have any.
It’s discrimination!” The Christian replied: “But atheists do have a holiday.”

“They do?” cried the atheist. When is it?”

“Well, the Christian answered…”

(What do you think he said?)

Early in April the bulbs begin to burst into color around here. I know that seems like a long time from now, but to enjoy a mass of buttery daffodils, or grape blue hyacinth, you need to plant them in the fall.

Consider the lowly bulb. It looks like an onion, its skin is dry and peeling. It’s nature’s way to help a plant survive hard times. Bulbs in Africa’s Namaqua desert wait for years for the rain.

When the soft showers fall on the desert sands, they burst into the pastels colors of the “African Daisy.”

The crocus bulb is designed to rest in the bitter northern winters, buried in the icy crush of snow, before becoming the first flower to bloom in the spring, usually some time before April.

Bulbs are a miracle (not the one Phillips manufactures). Within that homely brown ball is the potential for a show that no artist could duplicate, no computer create, no designer imagine. But in April…

I feel sorry for atheists. An atheist cannot find God for the same reason that a thief cannot find a policeman. When he feels grateful, who does he thank?
And when he enjoyed a great meal, does he believe there is no cook?

And when the lowly bulb transforms the starkest countryside, does he see a murky pool with single cell creatures?

“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God'” (Psalm 53:1, ESV)

by Stan Mitchell @www.forthright.net