Tag Archives: Receding raptor

Are you a fryer or a flier?

Eagles and Chickens

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew

their strength, they shall mount up with

wings like eagles; they shall run and not be

weary, they shall walk and not faint”

(Isaiah 40:31, ESV).


Have you ever tried to corner a chicken? Paving stones are more aerodynamic than chickens!

Somehow this most inelegant of birds senses that flight is a matter of the greatest urgency, and in a flurry of claws and feathers she does her best to avoid a destiny with an iron skillet and a bottle of Crisco.

Poultry in motion.

Have you ever tried to corner an eagle? Ten-foot chicken wiring tends to be an inadequate confinement.

And in the broad, blue sky, a thousand feet above the earth, there aren’t many corners anyway.

Receding raptor.

When we attempt to rise above life’s difficulties on our own, our efforts are usually about as exalted and dignified as a harassed hen. And the temptation usually catches us, red feet clasped in hand, hanging upside down and ready for the fryer.

So why do we try vainly to live our lives without the help of God? Don’t we want to soar on wings like eagles? Don’t we want to rise above the dust and grit of the hen house? Why do Christians try to get along without the benefit of Bible Study and worship time?

Why do we fail to seek consolation in prayer? Rest on the wings of the Lord. Pray for his strength. Be in his presence for worship. Serve his people.

“You yourselves have seen what I did to the

Egyptians and how I bore you on eagle’s

wings and brought you to myself” (Exodus


So are you a fryer or a flier?

— by Stan Mitchell