Tag Archives: “Strong Men Tend To Use Anger As A Tool

Explosions of anger

DURING OUR WAR on terror in Afghanistan, we saw the effectiveness of some incredibly sophisticated weapons…

It never ceases to amaze me that we can launch a missile from many miles away and stick it right through our enemy’s office window. Yet we still hear reports of collateral damage. Innocent civilians standing nearby may be wounded or killed. Or, in some cases, the wrong building may be targeted. There’s simply no getting around the fact that anytime in explosion happens, you run the risk of doing more damage than you intended.

The same is true with explosions of anger.

Not long ago I was in a department store and witnessed a confrontation that ended with a husband calling his wife and ugly name and storming off. The heartbreaking thing was that their little boy, who appeared to be about four, heard every word. My guess is that someday, twenty or so years from now, he’ll be talking to his wife the same way.

You see, the husband aimed his verbal missile at his wife, but tiny bits of shrapnel pierced the soul of his son. And that’s how it always is with anger. Mark Atteberry, “Strong Men Tend To Use Anger As A Tool,” The Samson Syndrome, 78

“A wrathful man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger allays contention.” Proverbs 15:18

Mike Benson