Tag Archives: water

Only to here!

Hershel Dyer tells the story of a boy from a family of seven who lived in poverty.  For them hunger was a daily reality.  “Even a glass of milk, when such could be afforded, had to be shared by at least two or more.  A finger would be placed on a certain spot and the child who was about to drink would be cautioned, “Only to here!””
When the boy suffered a broken leg he was taken to the nearest hospital emergency room.  An attentive nurse brought the waiting child a large glass of milk.  As the glass was handed to the child he asked, “How deep can I drink?  Brother Dyer concludes, “With tears welling up in her eyes, the nurse replied, “As deeply as you desire!””
Jesus, who offered to the woman at the well “living water” (John 4:14), died thirsty (John 19:28).  Because of what He did, the redeemed can drink deeply into the manifold wisdom of God (Eph. 3:10).  Because Jesus makes His disciple “citizens” (Eph. 3:19), they can plumb the bottomless wells of God’s love (Eph. 3:19).
The ultimate blessing embraced by the faithful child of God is the one they will enjoy the longest, an eternal, heavenly home (John 14:1-4).
David Bragg