SINFUL PLEASURES – the things others like to do.

I found a devotional today and it certainly is true for some people.  I’m quite sure we have all faced them at one time or another, be it in our families, work place or congregations.  I pray you will find it helpful to you in your life as well.

THE CENTER OF THINGS – the place where I am.

GOOD IDEAS – those that agree with mine

BAD IDEAS – those that oppose mine.

SINFUL PLEASURES – the things others like to do.

INNOCENT PLEASURES – the things I like to do.

A SENSIBLE PERSON:  one who heeds what I say.

BENEVOLENCE:  everyone giving handouts to me.

HUMILITY – everyone bowing to my whims.

PATIENCE:  everyone bearing with me.

COOPERATION:  everyone working with me.

HOSPITALITY:  everyone entertaining me.

ENCOURAGEMENT:  everyone bragging on me.

UNITY:  everyone going along with me.

SYMPATHY:  everyone identifying with me.

MEEKNESS:  everyone stepping aside for me.

A CONTENTIOUS PERSON:  one who disagrees with me.

VISITATION – everyone coming to visit with me.

Such a person can’t see because he has too much “I” in his eye.  This blinds him to the better and fuller life.  It leaves his own little house desolate.”       ~ Leroy Brownlow

“An honest man with an open Bible and a pad and a pencil is sure to find out what is wrong with him very quickly.”      ~ Tozer

Eileen Light


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