Biblical Interpretation

by Gary C. Hampton

With questions by A. Gallaher




This study originally began as notes I used to teach a Bible class.  At first, I relied largely on D. R. Dungan’s book on hermeneutics.  Later, I read Clinton Lockhart’s work and added in a number of notes from him.  I was careful to give credit to a particular author whenever I quoted directly from them.  However, I may not have always given credit after I had studied and synthesized the writings of one or more authors. 


Then, I enlisted the aid of A. R. Gallaher, a dear friend and teacher of English.  He took the time to read each lesson and formulate questions designed to help the student review the material and retain as much of it as possible.  Many thanks to this dear brother in Christ.  I treasure his friendship.


During 2005, I was blessed to get to go on mission trips to Nicaragua and Scotland.  In both cases, I was asked to teach on hermeneutics.  Brother J. C. Choate learned of these trips and the lessons used.  He approached me and asked if we could put the lessons into book form for others to use.  I told him that I would see what I could do.


My prayer is that readers of this work will learn how to read the Bible and discover its meaning for themselves.  I have no desire for anyone to think like I think.  Instead, my goal was, and is, to help others learn how to rightly divide the word of truth and better understand God’s will for our lives.


Gary C. Hampton

January 23, 2006