The Christian’s Highest Joy 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

    There is a joyous note throughout the Bible. For example, Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 126:5-6; Galatians 5:22. “Praise the Lord” is on the lips of all the saints. Although a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief, Jesus, nevertheless, experienced an unspeakable joy, for example (Johan 15:11). Now let us consider four points on this subject.


    The middle ages may have been responsible for the sad-looking pictures which aver to portray His likeness. But it is unthinkable that He would be different from the attitude which He taught His disciples to maintain (Matt. 5:10-12).

    You may ask in what did the joy of Jesus consist? In at least three things:

    (1) The joy of perfect obedience (John 5:30; 8:29).

    (2) The joy of intimate fellowship with the Father (John 14:8-9).

    (3) The joy of a redemptive ministry (Luke 15:3-7; 19:10).


    It is obvious, in the light of both the Scriptures and human experience, that the nonjoyous disciple is lacking in something (Acts 16:25; 2 Corinthians 7:4; Phil. 2:17-18).


    First of all, spiritual joy arises from within the soul, and does not depend on the outward circumstances of life. Since the Christian is a follower of Christ, his joy should be like that of his Master (John 17:13). Therefore, in seeking the joy of Jesus, he will strive to be more like Him, rather than ask if he may do this or that and still please Him (Rom. 8:9).


    There is no joy that is comparable with that which issues from Christ-like ministrations. However, it seems that but few church members really experience such joy today.

    For the sake of emphasis, let us consider some of the great joys which are common to humanity, quite apart from Christianity.

    The joy of achievement – for example, Lindbergh’s flight to Paris, the Columbia and Discovery space shuttles. Paul had a hard time learning to ride his bike. Timothy has just learned how to tie his shoes [here, Dad refers to me, in kindergarten, and my younger brother, ph].

    The joy of discovery – Christopher Columbus, penicillin, the polio vaccines and other drugs are examples.

    The joy of relieving those who are in great distress, the affirmation of anyone who ministers to human sufferings.

    The highest joy of the Christian is experienced as he becomes a co-laborer with Jesus in the redemption of mankind from the bondage of sin.

    The greatest effort that any Christian can make is to help save souls, both his own and those of others. And he can have no greater joy than that which grows out of this endeavor (Matt. 16:25-26; Prov. 11:30; Dan. 12:3; James 5:19-20).

If just one soul were saved to him, just one,
By any effort I have made, or work have done:
That’s worth a life of earnest toil or sorrow,
To waken to the gladsome light of such a morrow.

If just one soul were saved to Christ from evil’s blight,
And that soul leading to the light still other souls;
Father, Mother, children win each to the end of time —
Leading souls to him —
It makes one’s heart to yearn and eyes grow dim
To think of saving just one soul to him.

The late Wayne Holland

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