How to avoid sexual temptation

HERE ARE WAYS to avoid sexual temptations:
1.  DO keep visual reminders of your marriage contracts.  Always wear your wedding ring when in public.  Keep pictures of your spouse in your wallet, in your workspace, etc.  When you placed that ring on your mate’s finger, you promised your heart, affections, loyalty, and faithfulness until death.
2.  DON’T be overconfident.  Recognize your weak points (1 Cor. 10:12).  One is vulnerable after a major letdown or major success.  Those who are depressed or having marital problems can easily fall into illlicit relationships.
3.  DO avoid flirty people.  If a flirtatious woman or man is in the break room, go elsewhere.  A wise person avoids evil (Prov. 22:3).
4.  DON’T send mixed messages.  Avoid prolonged stares, lingering touches, or joking that may be construed as flirting.
5.  DO be on guard when out of your normal routine.  Business trips, vacations, new jobs, new memberships at gyms, sports teams, etc.  When away overnight, call home and talk to your spouse and children.  Block out the TV sex channels, or leave it off altogether.
6.  DON’T let friendships cross the line.  Never do anything when your mate is absent that you would not do in his/her presence.  If things are heading toward adultery, it is important to put emotional and physical distance between you and this person — right now.  Avoid them.
7.  DO be aware of the power that immodest dress has on you.  Don’t pick up the magazine; don’t click the web link; sit with your back toward indecently dressed women in a restaurant or office.  Don’t wear a garment that sends a message you don’t want received.
8.  DON’T let a person of the opposite sex confide in you about marriage problems.
9.  DO take drastic action if a line has been crossed.  Quit a hobby, change jobs, break a friendship, change congregations, move to a new city.  Completely avoid seeing this person.
10.  CELEBRATE your 25th and 50th anniversaries, you’ll be glad you kept your vows(Banner of Truth)
“Flee sexual immorality…” (1 Cor. 6:18).
–Mike Benson

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