Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16

Introduction lesson on the rich man and Lazarus:

1. Prior verses – emphasis on those who “love money” (verse 14).
2. Warning against loving God and mammon (verse 13).
3. This chapter describes one who was “rich” (verse 19).
4. Many refer to this account as a parable, often to deny what is taught.
5. If a parable, it is the only one that specifically names a person (verse 20).
6. Parables have an *explanation* (Lk. 8:11), so what is the explanation for this story?
7. Parables are normally identified as such in Luke:
8. 5:36; 6:39; 8:11; 12:16; 13:6; 14:7; 15:3; 18:1, 9; 19:11; 20:9; 21:29
9. Even if this could be called a parable, parables are always based on truth.
10. Attempts to dismiss this account as an account of what happens after death.
11. Verses 24-25; rich man allegedly represents Antipas or the Jewish nation.
12. Some things in the Bible are certainly figurative – God’s “eyes and hands.”
13. I do not contend that every detail in this story is literal.
14. Verse 22 – is the eternal spirit literally “carried” by “angels”?
15. Verse 23 is likely not literal. Neither is the “tongue” or the “flame” in verse 24.
16. The information about Lazarus and the rich man is not primarily about the afterlife—about wealth.
17. What is taught in this chapter about the after-life is true.
18. This chapter teaches that man continues to exist beyond the grave.
19. People immediately know their relationship with God when they die.
20. 16:19-21 – why not mention rich man’s name?
21. Description of rich man’s clothing. Gen. 41:42; Ex. 28:2-5.
22. No “big sins” associated with this man.
23. Word “beggar” is almost always translated “poor” in the NT.
24. Who took Lazarus to the rich man’s gate?
25. Lazarus’ condition (21-22).
26. Crumbs – our typical definition of this word is wrong.
27. Why take Lazarus to this same place day after day?
28. It seems the rich man ignored Lazarus.
29. Lazarus’ fine character is implied in this account.

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