Our Useless Information Age

WE ARE LIVING in the Information Age…or should it be called the Useless Information Age…

The three giant social networking Web sites…Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter…allow their users to share their thoughts with friends and strangers.  If you want to let people half way around the world know that you just saved $8 at Kroger, you can.  You can share your deepest thoughts and your shallowest feelings.  You can air your political views or cheer your favorite team.  Whether or not people actually care your opinions is beside the point.  It is all about sharing what is on your mind.

Twitter’s concept is the simplest of all the social sites.  Users can give 140-character opinions on any and every issue.  These updates are called “tweets.”  The author’s subscribers are known as “followers.”

I wonder what the apostle Paul would have tweeted to his followers when he was writing his thirteen preserved epistles.  He might have tweeted these thoughts:

Romans: “All have sinned.  All deserve death.  But there is no condemnation in Christ.”

1 Corinthians:  “A divided church is a poor representative of Christ.”

2 Corinthians:  “My apostleship and your benevolence are genuine.”

Galatians:  “Moses’ law served its purpose.  We now live by faith and walk by the Spirit.”

Philippians:  “Don’t let circumstances dictate your faith.  Live with joy.  Be content.”

Colossians:  “Human philosophy distorts the gospel.  Live for Jesus.”

1 and 2 Thessalonians:  “Jesus will return and many people will not be ready.  Be prepared for that day.”

1 and 2 Timothy:  “Ministry should protect the gospel and serve the needy.  There is no better work.”

Titus:  “The grace of God teaches us to live godly lives.”

Philemon:  “People from all backgrounds can be useful in the church.”  James Hayes, “If Paul Had A Twitter Account,” Glad Tidings of Good Things, Vol. 30/January 21, 2010

“How I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house.”  Acts 20:20

Mike Benson

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