Your wings are really coming in!

150,000. This number may not mean much to some, but it has significant meaning to me. See, this number reminds me of a sweet old couple I grew up with. As a kid, the wife was the sweet lady who always had a piece of candy tucked away for me in her purse. The husband would always take time to come talk to me. I remember how he would softly pinch my shoulder blades and say, “Your wings are really coming in!” They were active and vibrant in the church, truly a couple who loved the Lord.

So, why does this number remind me of them? Shortly before they passed away, this sweet couple decided to give me their car. It happened at a time when I was hurting for a vehicle before I started school at Bear Valley. I received their 1991 Honda Accord in pristine condition with a measly 50,000 miles on it.

Just the other day, I hit the 150,000 mile mark on this car. Which means I’ve put 100,000 miles on it. So for me, the number 150,000 brings back fond memories of this sweet couple. It makes me think their Christian love, generosity, and selflessness. It reminds me of their kindness and good Christian example. It also reminds me of a passage of Scripture:

“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith” (Galatians 6:9-10).

It’s wonderful to have people in the church, like this sweet couple, who are so generous and helpful to other members in the church. They deserve our love and appreciation. We need more people like this.

Let’s strive to live the words of Galatians 6:9-10. No, we aren’t required to give away our cars, though there is no limit to what we could do. Let’s simply be looking for opportunities, even small ones, where we can do good to others, especially Christians!

P.S. The names of this sweet couple were Cliff & Louise Phillips.

Brett Petrillo

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