“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

PULL UP A couple of chairs, look each other in the eyes, and sincerely say what you love, admire, and appreciate about your spouse…

Then allow your spouse to do the same for you.

But what do you say?  Here are some ideas:

.  “I love you.”

.  “Wow, you look great!”

.  Wink across the room.

.  Give a hug in the morning.

.  “You have beautiful eyes.”

.  Call in the middle of the day, just to say, “I’m thinking about you.”

.  Leave a love note on her pillow.

.  “I’m really glad I married you.”

.  “Thank you for praying for me.”

.  “I really appreciate how you manage our money.”

.  “I like that you help out so much around the house.”

.  “That was a great meal.”

.  Meet him at the door with a kiss.

.  “I missed you today.”

.  “I love the way you take time to read to the kids.”

.  “I really enjoy spending time with you.”

.  Run your fingers through his hair.

.  “I love that you have such a giving heart.”

.  “You are a wonderful cook.”

.  “I really like it when you encourage me.”

.  Set aside time alone, just to talk.

.  “I am so proud of you.”

.  “Thank you for standing up for me.”

.  “You are a great organizer.”

.  “I like that you hold my hand when we are in public.”

.  “I feel safe and protected when I’m with you.”

.  “I love the way you kiss.”

.  “You are a great lover.”

.  “You make me feel important to you.”

.  “I love that you remember special occasions and make sure we celebrate them.”

.  “I think it’s great that you are willing to say you’re sorry when you mess up.”

.  Turn off the TV when she says she needs to talk to you.

.  “You really are my best friend.”

.  “I appreciate that you take time sexually to be sure I’m pleased.”

.  “I like that you take time to appreciate the little things in life.”

.  “You are a great organizer.”  (Debbie L. Cherry, “Warm Fuzzies and Cold Pricklies”–The Key to Staying in Love, Discovering the Treasure of Marriage, 45-46) 

 “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”  Proverbs 12:18

 –Mike Benson

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