Here Am I, Send Aaron!

Throughout history, God has called various men to fulfill his purposes.  We are probably familiar with the question God raised to the prophet Isaiah when he said, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” to which Isaiah responded, “Here am I, send me” (Isaiah 6:8).  Likewise, when God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, Moses also said, “Here am I” (Exodus 3:4).  However, instead of saying, “send me,” as did Isaiah, Moses basically said, “Send Aaron” (Exodus 3:13-14).

One man made himself available to God, while the other man made excuses.

While God doesn’t call us in the same manner today as he once did, he calls us nonetheless.  God still needs men and women to fulfill his purposes.  Will you say, “no” to God?  When your help is needed in your local church; when you’re called upon to meet a need (e.g. teach a class, publicly serve in the worship, maintenance at the building, promote and attend special services through the week, visit the sick, transport people to and from church, prepare meals for the sick and shut-ins, etc.) do you make excuses?  Do you say no?  Or do you say, “Here am I, send me?”

When examining the life of Moses, it’s easy to see the error of having a “Here am I, send Aaron” attitude.  But like many things, it’s just harder to see the same error when it is embraced by ourselves.  Take a good look at your own life.  Have you been telling God, “no?”  Which response to God’s call describes you best, “Here am I, send me?” or “Here am I, send Aaron?”  Give it some thought.

Steve Higginbotham.

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