To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity

I know you have one of those days.  We all do.   Anything which can go wrong does.  Sometimes, if I knew what the day held in store, I believe I would just crawl under the bed and forget it.  Some of these vexations we all identify with, and sometimes I believe they rate right up there with major problems in life, though they fall well short of unexpected death.  This week has been one of those weeks.  You may laugh at what happened to me this week, but that’s quite alright.

I had a jar of mayonnaise which was already opened, but I couldn’t find it.  I looked in the refrigerator, pantry, and anywhere I thought I may have left it.  I never found it.  Well after searching, I gave up and bought another jar.  And wouldn’t you just know it.  Suddenly the jar of mayonnaise appears.  I know what it is, a conspiracy to get me to go to the store for another.  Haaaa!  You know the rest of the story.  I had to throw it away for spoilage.  Certainly didn’t need food poisoning.

Wednesday night arrives.  I head for evening services.  I arrive back home and it is dark.  I dropped my keys between the console and the driver’s seat and spent almost a half hour searching for them, in the dark with a cell phone for light.  Being aggravated with myself would be an understatement. People passing by on the highway must have wondered what I was doing.  I practically had to stand on my head searching for those missing keys.  I had an extra set, but that set didn’t have my house key.  So it was either find them or spend the night in the car.  And in 88 evening temperatures.  To top the evening off, I injured my wrist in the process.

I normally leave my cell phone by my bed.  This morning while doing laundry, I suddenly realized I didn’t know where my cell was.  I finally located it in a dresser drawer while putting my clothes away.  Don’t ask.  When one is single, you are apt to do most anything.  Haaaa!

And we don’t want to mention the server for my computer which didn’t want to send an email; it kept on buffering and I had to start over.  Vexations indeed, including a spider I found on my pillow just as I started to bed.  I hate spiders.  If that critter had crawled on my neck, I might have made another passage way to my living room.  They are creepy.  I don’t know if it was poisonous or not, but I wasn’t going to share my bed with a spider.  I suppose it came in to get relief from the heat.  Freeloader.  Haaaaaa!

In each of these vexations, annoyances in life, in the moment they aren’t too funny.  In my case. I have a great sense of humor and laugh, but some of the annoyances, such as a flat I had on the railroad track, which ruined a new tire, and no one stopped to help, was a great disappointment.  I did get my friend to help and he came right over.  It was surprising I reached him by phone.  Other places I tried were short of workers, and you know the story – they couldn’t help.

Just had a flat.  The postman put the long awaited check in a box down the street.  The paper boy failed to throw your paper.  You are ready for breakfast and you’re out of coffee.  The neighbor’s cat spends too much time in your yard.  The car ran out of fuel.  The children next door knock the ball through your window.  You bought tickets to go on a much needed vacation.  The day comes and the airline is on strike.

What do you do about it?

“You accept the fact that life has annoyances as well as uplifting days, then you count to ten, and if you feel like giving up, keep counting.”

~ Leroy Brownlow

“And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret.”     I Samuel 1:6

“To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.”

Eileen Light


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