Tips to succeed in the Christian life

1) Today we want to consider three different points that could be classified as “tips.”
a) The first tip will involve things to “remember.”
b) Heaven’s second tip is, “do not take things for granted.”
c) Tip three is, “Do not depend upon our own strength.”
2) Jesus tells us we are well advised to remember some things in the spiritual realm, Mt. 16:9.
a) Jesus nd His apostles then began a journey and they forgot to get food (Mt. 16:7).
b) The disciples were beginning to wonder where they were going to get something to eat.
c) Jesus responded to their concern with the words in verse 9 – READ
d) In Lk. 17:32 He said, “remember Lot’s wife.”
3) Gen. 19:26 says Lot’s wife “became a pillar of salt.”
a) This woman failed to remember that God is a God who keeps His word.
b) When she did not remember and apply that information, she died.
c) We are not told why she looked back, but it is very likely she was tied too closely to the world.
4) In the Old Testament a wise man said “remember God” (Eccl. 12:1).
a) This passage speaks of remembering God in the early years (youth).
b) This a divine tip (remembering God in the early years is the way to have the best possible life).
c) The world’s advice is to try out everything it has to offer.
d) Smoke, dance, drink, sleep around, try drugs, and wallow in sin.
5) Certainly when the end of life comes, people want God to “remember” them.
a) In Lk. 23:42 we are told about a thief who was crucified with Jesus.
b) This man had a dying request. He said to Jesus, “remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
6) Part of our remembrance is taking God’s word and storing it up in the heart.
a) Lk. 24 tells us they came to the tomb and found it had been opened.
b) Angels were there and these women received a divine message: Lk. 24:6 – READ
7) About 30 times in the New Testament we find statements about “remembering” things.
8) Christians need to keep in memory who they are, what God wants them to do, and what their future holds.
9) Remembering also involves the time when we became a Christian.
a) Do we remember when we left behind the old life of sin?
b) Do we remember the zeal and passion from when we were baptized for the forgiveness of sins?
c) We need to remember that time because it can help move us forward as a Christian.

10) A second divine tip we find in the scriptures involves taking things for granted.
a) Consider the man in Lk. 12:18-19. Jesus described a man who was a farmer.
b) Listen to verse 19 of Lk. 12 – READ. “Many years” is a key point in this story.
11) James (4:12-15).
12) The right attitude is found in verse 15 – READ & 1 Tim. 6:17.
13) Paul followed this up with a related thought in 1 Tim. 6:17.
a) Paul said he could do “all things,” but he had to go through “Christ” (Phil. 4:13).
b) In 2 Cor. 12:9-10 Paul also said, when he was “weak he was strong.”
15) Eph. 6:10 says, “be strong in the Lord.”
16) Trusting in our own strength actually turns us away from God – Jer. 17:5.
17) Jesus said that apart from Him we can do “nothing” (Jn. 15:5).

Find the truth about God and become a New Testament Christian. Find out more about New Testament Christianity by running some Internet searches for “church of Christ” and “churches of Christ.” You may also want to visit for Bible study information.

Remember, in order to be saved and enjoy all God’s blessings (not the least of which is salvation), a person must have faith (Jn. 8:24), be willing to repent (Lk. 13:3), and after confessing Christ as Lord, the final step is water baptism (Rom. 6:3; 1 Cor. 12:13; 1 Pet. 3:20-21). Bible baptism is by immersion only (“burial,” Rom. 6:4), and once it is done, heaven puts that person “into Christ” (Gal. 3:27; Rom. 6:3). After proper baptism a person has their sins forgiven (Acts 2:38).

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