A Bible study about husbands and fathers

a)      Eph. 5:28 says “husbands” are to “love their wives.”

2)      A husband might love his wife for the first six months or the first five years of marriage.

3)      He might love her as long as he does not find another woman he likes better.

4)      God knew that men might try to put a limit on love so He went a little further.

a)      Eph. 5:28 says love the wife as a man loves his own body.

b)      We also have this comparison in Eph. 5:25 – READ

c)      Husbands are to love their wives “as” Christ loves the church.

d)     How much does Christ love the church?

5)      He loved it enough to give His life for it (Acts 20:28).

6)      A man takes a wife and he loves and cherishes her for a lifetime.

7)      Death or sexual sin are the two things God says that can break this bond and allow for remarriage.

8)      Gen. 2:24 says a man is to “leave father and mother” and “cleave to his wife.”

9)      Prov. 5:18 says “rejoice in the wife of your youth.”

10)  Col. 3:19 – “love your wives and be not bitter against them.”

a)      Most of us have heard that for “every action there is a reaction.”

b)      In marriage this is very true principal.

c)      For every action, there is a reaction.

d)     This true for men and women, but Eph. 5 and Col. 3 specifically mention husbands.

11)  A husband’s actions normally cause reactions in his wife.

12)  If a man begins to engage in negative activities, his wife will usually respond in a negative way.

13)  Just as good investments produce good returns, so acts of love produce good results in one’s mate.

14)  Father’s day is a time to express appreciation to the men who are fathers.

15)  It is also a day for men to remind themselves about the importance of the principal in Eph. 5.

16)  Men have a lot of control over the type of relationship they will have with their spouse.



 1)      In the Bible children are viewed as a treasure.

2)      Ps. 127:3 says “children are a heritage from the Lord.
      Eph. 6:4 – READ      

a)      Parents have many responsibilities when it comes to teaching their children.

b)      Being a good dad is a lifelong and daily task.

c)      Part of this task is balancing praise with correction.

d)     Find things that a child can be praised for and build them up.

e)      Correct them when they are wrong.

3)      Are we a father?  Are we living the type of life that will properly influence our children for God?

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