My Family Tree

            Years ago, for a school project, I was asked to trace my ancestry and make a family tree.  In the process, I learned things I did not know about my heritage.  Some of it made me proud, and some of it didn’t.  I was also reminded that the family tree is always living and growing.  As a husband and father, I appreciate that my children (and, one day, grandchildren) will be affected by how I lead my family.

            You are tending your family tree, too.  How are you caring for it?  That’s what makes your legacy.  It will affect those who live after you are gone.  Consider some things every family tree has and ask yourself what kind of tree you are growing.

            Your family tree has rootsSomething  is central to your home, that drives and motivates you.  It’s where you have your primary interest and investment, measured in dollars, energy, and time.  For your family tree to thrive and survive, it must be firmly rooted in Christ (Col. 2:7).

            Your family tree has branches.  Your home is an influence on the larger community around you.  Every facet of your life is impressed, negatively and positively, by your home.  You have a reputation.  You are seen.  As your family branches out into the world, what impact is it making for Christ?  Remember, “If the root be holy, the branches are too” (Rom. 11:16).

            Your family tree has nutrients.  God made the tree to eat and drink, and by such it lives.  If the nutrients are cut off (by drought, disease, or damage), the tree dies.  Likewise, our family tree must be nourished properly (cf. 1 Tim. 4:6).

            Your family tree has fruit.  It may be acorns, cones, blossoms, or edible fruit, but trees bear fruit.  When a fruit-bearing tree ceases production, it’s a sign of trouble.  At best, such a tree loses its value.  Our family tree will be known by their fruits (cf. Matt. 7:16ff).  Failing to bear good fruit (cf. Gal. 5:22-23) or bearing bad fruit (Lk. 6:43) is unacceptable to God.

            Your family tree has predators.  “Dutch Elm Disease,” beetles, ants, and termites can all prematurely end a tree’s life.  Sometimes, what kills the tree can be readily seen.  Trees can be eaten from the inside out, and by the time the damage is visible it can be too late.  There are so many predators of our homes.  Tragically, the damage can come from within—what we allow to happen in our homes.  Satan is the predator of the home, but he works through human agency.

            Your family tree has leaves.  There are evergreens, conifers, pines, and hardwoods.  The hardwoods annual cycle fascinate me.  In spring, they bloom and put on their leaves.  They flourish in summer.  In autumn, they are vibrant in color and beautiful.  In winter, they die and leave the tree.  Parents, think of your children as those “leaves.”  From birth, they bud and grow.  Hopefully, in the teen years after trial and tribulation, they begin to absorb and emulate the good principles you taught.  It can be a beautiful time.  Then, the time comes for them to leave.  Make sure they leave spiritually and eternally prepared. 

            No doubt there are other comparisons that can be made.  Take care of your family tree.  If you do, it will blossom and grow for the good of the Kingdom!

–Neal Pollard


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