5 reasons to sing *Give Me The Bible*


 1)      The words in this hymn – page 120 in our books – are very specific.

2)      Each of the four lines in this song say “Give me the Bible.”

3)      We also, when we sing this hymn, talk about WHEN we want the Bible.

a)      The second line says “Give me the Bible when my heart is broken.”

b)      Some go to God’s word when they are sad and burdened.

c)      Books like Psalms are common places for people to turn when life becomes difficult.

d)      The third line in our hymn is not the way many live.

e)      “Give me the Bible, all my steps enlighten.”

 4)      God designed the Bible to be the thing that guides us throughout every aspect of our lives.

5)      In Jer. 10:23 the old prophet said, “It is not in man that walks to direct his own steps.”

6)      This morning we want to consider 5 reasons why our attitude should be:  Give me the Bible.

7)      Our first reason for being interested in the Bible involves its power.

8)      Heb. 4:12 says – READ

9)      Listen to what Paul said in 1 Cor. 6:9-11 – READ

10)  The word of God changed the lives of these people and the changes were all for the better.

11)  Reason # 2:  Give me the Bible because it is good for young people.

12)  Listen to what Paul said to a young man in 2 Tim. 3:15 – READ

13)  Reason # 3:  Give me the Bible because it builds people up.

a)      This reason is based on Acts 20:32 – READ

b)      Some think they can find relief and comfort in a bottle of booze.

c)      Others turn to drugs or a mental health provider.

d)      Some think if they can just get more money they will feel so much better.

14)  Reason # 4:  Give me the Bible because it has never been destroyed.

a)      Lots of people over lots of years have attacked the Bible.

b)      Not one contradiction has ever been proven.  Each one has been answered.

c)      Various officials have tried to destroy copies of the Bible.

15)  Some like Satan have misquoted the Bible (Mt. 4:6), but the word of God still stands.

16)  Others have tried to use God’s word to make false predictions.

17)  Reason # 5 is based on Jn. 12:48 – the Bible will be our judge at the end of time.

18)  Here is what Jesus said in Jn. 12:48 – READ

19)  There is coming a time when all people will come before deity at the end of time.

20)  People will be judged by God’s word.

a)      Think of how many Americans will fare when this time comes.

b)      22% “rarely” read the Scriptures.

c)      24% “never” read the word of God.

d)      53% read the Bible at least once a month.

21)  When we sing “give me the Bible,” these words need to be true in the fullest sense of the word.

22)  Is our attitude “Give me the Bible” and “give it to me every day” or something else?

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