Be not drunken with wine, Ephesians 5:18

“Zeus was considered a great god in Greek mythology. It is told that Zeus assumed human form, impregnated a mortal woman named Semele, and produced a son, Dionysus. Semele decided she had the right to see Zeus in his full glory and entered into his divine presence. She was instantly incinerated. Zeus then snatched the body of the unborn baby from her womb and sewed it into his thigh. He carried the baby until its full term and then gave birth. Zeus destined the infant god to become ruler of the planet earth.

According to Greek mythology, there were already sub-gods called Titans who ran the earth and when they heard of the new ruler–Dionysius–they were quite upset. They stole the baby and ate him. Zeus however, rescued his heart, swallowed it, and gave birth to Dionysus once again. Zeus struck the Titans with lightning and they were reduced to ashes. Out of those ashes came the human race. Around Dionysus became centered a religion of ascendancy, where human beings attempted to reach a level of divine consciousness. It was filled with ecstasy, wild music, dancing, and sexual perversion–all induced by drunkenness. With a great conclave of voices the people would call out to Dionysus, ‘Come thou Savior.’ Dionysus became known as the god of wine.

So when Paul said ‘be not drunk with wine,’ he was not dealing merely with a social problem, but a theological one as well. He was dealing directly with Satan’s counterfeit religion. Satan captures minds and bodies through the medium of drunkenness.”  John MacArthur, 

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