H. V. Adolt wrote: “We are all manufacturers in a way – making good, making trouble, or making excuses.” We start a whole new year: 2018. We have 365 days with which to do something. Twelve months. Fifty-two weeks. At a basic minimum, let us make it our goal not to make trouble. Let us make it our goal to be humble, gentle, patient, tolerant, and loving (Eph. 4:2). That starts in our family with our spouse, our parents, our siblings, and our children. It extends to our school peers and our co-workers. It should also influence our behavior in church, among Christians.

    But if not making trouble is the extent of our goals, then what have we accomplished more than unbelievers? The golden rule does not say, “Don’t do to others what you do not want them to do to you.” Rather, it says, “Do to others what you want them to do to you” (Matt. 7:12).

    So, instead of “making excuses” and not “making trouble,” let’s “make good.” What are your goals for the new year? Allow me to suggest a few. Pray daily, with a list of specific prayer needs you have. Read the Bible daily. Call a fellow Christian each week. Pay particular attention to the sick, shut-ins and elderly but don’t stop with them. But call someone with whom you do not have much contact. Or, write them a short note.

    If you do not already, be in Bible class Sunday morning. Attend Sunday evening worship. Be present for Bible study on Wednesday nights. Do one more service-oriented project this year than you did last year. Attend one more fellowship activity this year than you did last year.

    If you don’t do more this year than last year, how do you know if you have grown in your Christianity?

 Paul Holland

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