“All” means “All”

Paul wrote to the Roman Christians and said, “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death?” (Ro. 6:3). Paul was one hundred percent sure that “All” Christians in Rome had been “baptized into Christ.” All means ALL!

Paul wrote to the Galtian Christians and said, “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Ga. 3:26,27). Again, Paul was positive that all who had become “sons of God” were “baptized into Christ” through faith. If “All” does not mean “ALL” then what does it mean?

It means that “all” who were a member of the church, who were “sons of God,” who had “clothed” themselves with Christ,” had done so through baptism.  Not “All” who had only believed, or “All” who had said a prayer, or all who had made a confession, but “All” who had been baptized. Would this teach that baptism was not necessary for some? Would an honest heart say that “All” does not mean “All”? Again, this time to the church in Corinth, we read, “For by one Spirit we were All baptized into one body” (1 Co. 12:13). Are you a part of the “All” who have been baptized, or a part of the “none” who have been taught otherwise?

-Dennis Doughty