Where we are and where we are going is largely determined by the decisions we make. To a large degree the decisions we make lead us down the pathway of life and even towards our eternal destiny. But how much do we contemplate the importance of those decisions? You know, there are some things we just really need to be good at and one of them is decision making!

Let’s give some brief thought to this subject matter right now, while understanding that much more is certainly needed.

  1. We need to make biblically-based decisions. That is impossible without knowing the Scripture. The better we know the Scripture, the wisdom of Almighty God, the better prepared we are to make spiritually sound decisions. The Bible is a lamp to our feet (Ps. 119:105). It provides us with all that we need for both life and godliness (2 Pt. 1:3). Without it, you will merely live the way you think is right (see Prov. 14:12). Two suggestions: (1) Build your knowledge of God’s Word every day. This discipline will aid your daily decision making and build your base of knowledge for making decisions on the road ahead. (2) Also, when you are confronted with decisions, always ask, “What wisdom does God’s Word shed on this matter?” It will not lead you wrong! Be a Bible-based decision maker!
  2. Pray about your decisions. Is there anyone who simply cannot use a little more wisdom for the decisions faced in life? James says, “If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him” (Jam. 1:5). Prayer in this regard should not be seen in separation from the former point. Much like praying for our daily food, God is not going to merely pour His knowledge and wisdom upon us! But there is much power in knowledge and discernment is needed to harness and use that knowledge to help us make sound decisions. A morning prayer concerning our decisions that day will help us begin the day with the right focus with decisions we will make. Perhaps there are few things to pray for that are as vital as wisdom concerning our decisions.
  3. Make good big decisions. Some decisions we make in life are very weighty. They will lead us a long way down the road of life, and can even set the tone for eternity. Think about this from a mainly positive vantage point. Making a decision to become child of God and to truly give our heart and life to the Lord is a game changer, for life and for eternity! And that decision should lead us to be extremely sober with decisions that can either help or hinder our faithfulness to the Lord. Beyond the decision to become a Christian, perhaps there is nothing that pushes us further toward eternity in heaven than marrying a faithful child of God. It is a sound decision (of course, there are other factors as to whom we marry). This good, big decision will also have a great impact on generations to come. Make good big decisions. Make them prayerfully. Make them biblically.

(4) Make good small decisions. Now, I’m not talking about contemplating the color of the shirt you will wear tomorrow! But don’t think that the devil can’t work through bad small decisions. While he may derail some with catastrophic decisions, he knows he can succeed much more easily in getting many of us to take one little bad bite at a time. Please know, in a sense, that with each spiritually sound decision you make you are taking one bite from the tree of life! (see Gen. 3:9, 24). Small decisions are seriously important because they do head us down the road. They determine our habits; our habits determine our character; our character, to some degree, will ultimately determine our destiny. Don’t justify or excuse any bad decision for any reason! Make good little decisions every today!

(5)  Don’t just make decisions based on right and wrong. Yes, of course we need to make morally sound decisions, but let’s go further than that. Here are just a few suggestions:

  1. Choose the eternal over the temporal. In Jesus’ first sermon in Matthew, He gives great emphasis to this principle (see Mt. 6:19-21; 24-25, 33). It is no accident that within His conclusion He discusses the narrow and more difficult way that leads to life, and the wide and easy way that leads to destruction (see Mt. 7:13-14). Make sure your decisions reflect that the eternal are far more significant to you than the temporal!
  2. Choose selflessness over selfishness. This is tough in a consumer based world! Jesus “emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant” (Phil. 2:7). Christians are to partake of His mindset (Phil. 2:5). We can seek to have such a mind as Christ and choose to serve others rather than to be so self-serving (see also Phil. 2:1-4).
  3. Related to the previous point… Choose to do the will of God! In other words, the avoidance of making poor decisions is a good start but it is not sufficient! Make the choice to use your talents and opportunities wisely (Mt. 25:31-46). Decide that you will seek to bring a lost soul to Christ (1 Cor. 9:19). Decide that you will add to your faith (2 Pt. 1:5-7) and grow in knowledge (see 2 Pt. 3:18). These are vital decisions that we make!


Our decisions ultimately reveal whom we choose to serve. Be like Joshua. Choose to serve the Lord! (see Josh. 24:15). It will be a blessing to your life now and forevermore!

Daren Schroeder