Tag Archives: 21st century

Cursing Authority


            Preparing for the Creek War, Major General Andrew Jackson was having a difficult challenge keeping the men engaged. Hungry, tired and disappointed for lack of fighting, many quit and went home. Jackson commanded them to stay. Most did. Many did not.


            John Wood was one who refused to obey the order. He had had trouble with obeying orders. Eventually he was found guilty of insubordination by a court-martial and sent before a firing squad. It was a heart-breaker for General Jackson. He lost sleep the night before. But he must die to put the fear of God into the others.


            Paul Wellman writes of that event in Magnificent Destiny (page 64): “He [Jackson] and only He could save the life of the condemned man, and the man who was to die hardly comprehended why he was doomed, which was the pity of it. He was ignorant, the unlettered ways of the backwoods were his. He had cursed an officer it was true, but he scarcely realized it was Authority he was cursing and not a mere man whom he considered officious.”


            Flaunting authority is nothing new to 21st century America. Punishing disobedience is nothing new either. When one flaunts authority – beginning with parents and school teachers – it sets a horrific precedent for flaunting the authority of God and His Word. Flaunting the Sovereign God of the universe is worst of all.


          “Although he [Jesus] was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him” (Hebrews 5:8-9).  Who is going to heaven? Those who humbly submit to the authority of the Son in all His particulars.

  – Paul Holland