Tag Archives: how to illustrate the need to give 100%

If 99% Was Good Enough


We are all familiar with the phrase, “Give 100 percent.”  But I think we are all equally aware that many times we do not give 100%.  I found some interesting statistics about “What You Would Get if 99% Was Good Enough” (Source Unknown).

If 99% was good enough, you would get…
– No phone service for 15 minutes each day.
– 1.7 million pieces of first class mail lost each day.
– 35,000 newborn babies dropped by doctors or nurses each year.
– 200,000 people getting the wrong drug prescriptions each year.
– Unsafe drinking water three days a year.
– Three misspelled words on the average page of type.
– 2 million people would die from food poisoning each year.

What would happen if God decided to cover only 99% of our sins?  We would all be dead from our sins.  Thankfully, God is perfect and so is the salvation He blesses His followers with.  God does not give 99%.

While we cannot always give 100% effort in everything we do without burning out, I think this serves as a good reminder that we can usually give more and do more.  Even if we are giving 99%, there is still more to give. We expect other companies and professionals to do better, but maybe we should also require better from ourselves sometimes.

What kind of effort are we putting forth in our church attendance?  What kind of effort are we putting forth to our Bible reading and prayer? What kind of effort are we putting forth to our relationship with God?  What kind of effort are we putting forth in our spiritual lives?  We cannot and will not ever be perfect, but usually we know if we are putting forth a genuine amount of effort or not. God is perfect, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and so much more. Let’s always strive to do more, say more, and be more in our daily lives, because God deserves it.

–Brett Petrillo