Tag Archives: jesus sufferings

Sufferings faced by Jesus

Jesus died an awful death.  Ruthless assassins, terrorists, sadistic and serial killers, and perverted criminals all have received much more humane treatment.  What Jesus endured at the cross can only be described as vicious.  Consider the violent aspects of His crucifixion.

THERE WAS PHYSICAL TORTURE.  He was scourged, beaten with a jagged whip (Mt. 27:27).  He was fitted with a crown of thorns (Mt. 27:29).  He was hit on the head repeatedly with a staff (Mt. 27:30).  The soldiers struck Him with their hands (Jn. 19:3).  He carried His heavy cross until it fell on Him (Jn. 19:17).  He was nailed to a cross (Jn. 20:25).

THERE WAS MENTAL ANGUISH.  His countrymen hatefully yelled for His death (Mt. 27:25).  Soldiers mocked Him and pretended to worship Him (Mt. 27:29).  People hurled abuse at Him (Mt. 27:39,40).  Religious leaders mocked Him (Mt. 27:41-43).  The thieves on the cross insulted Him (Mt. 27:44).  The Heavenly Father left Him alone (Mt. 27:46).  His disciples followed Him, mourning and wailing (Lk. 23:27).

THERE WAS SOCIAL EMBARRASSMENT.  They stripped Him (Mt. 27:25).  He was spit upon (Mt. 27:30).  The soldiers gambled for His clothes (Mt. 27:35).  He was watched like a sideshow (Mt. 27:36).  They jokingly put an elegant, purple robe on Him (Lk. 23:11).  He endured great shame (Heb. 12:2).

The sheer brutality of the crucifixion tells one how serious sin is!  The proposal from heaven is, “Stop sinning and serve the Savior!”  In the light of the cross, examine Heaven’s every demand, command, and reprimand.  What expectation from the Father or requirement from the Son is too great?  Before answering, look back at the cross!

Neal Pollard