52 Reasons to Love the Church #21- You’re Not Invisible

A favorite author of mine said something in a post that struck me. As she was thanking her online community for their support, she admitted that she always felt overlooked and lonely. When she would have a book signing in her own hometown, no one would show up. And if it weren’t for her loyal readers, she wouldn’t have any friends. I couldn’t believe it. She is a talented, award-winning author of multiple books. I assumed she was somewhat of a rockstar at home. How sad to feel invisible in “the real world”!

It led me to consider a few things:

  • Online community should complement, not replace, real life community. As an introvert, I get the appeal…digital connections can be way easier. But they’re nothing compared to genuine friendship and in-person fellowship.
  • No one is invisible in the Lord’s church. We’re family. We see, love, and pray for each other (Rom. 12:9-15). We even have shepherds who watch over us (Acts 20:28). We’re real people in each other’s real lives. Our joys are shared and so are our sorrows. We don’t go through anything alone. We have a whole church family who pays attention, cheers us on, and holds us up when we need it.
  • If you ever do feel overlooked or invisible in your church family, it might be a good opportunity to get more involved in the lives of others. You can look for ways to make sure others feel seen, loved, and served. Who’s hurting? Who keeps to themselves? Who lost a loved one? When you invest in the lives of others, you become entwined in the body of Christ as an essential member. Certainly not invisible.

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.

(Romans 1:11-12)


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