The God Who Fills

2 Kings 3: 17-18 NKJV “For thus says the Lord: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.’ And this is a simple matter in the sight of the Lord.”

Some of the random stories found within the pages of the Old Testament leave us shaking our heads and pondering what possible relevance they have to our lives. But if ALL scripture is inspired by God to make us complete for His calling (II Timothy 3:16), then ALL Bible stories are for our benefit. Right?

One such random story is found in 2 Kings 3. The king of Israel had marched into war. But seven long, hot days in the wilderness dealt him a battle of a very different kind: There was no water. So placing the war on the back burner, the king shifted into survival mode and appealed to the man of God. But God’s reply was far from what the king expected.

“Make this valley full of ditches,” the Lord instructed.

What a big-ask from Jehovah to an army already exhausted, hot, and thirsty! Yet, with whatever means possible, the men began to dig.

Stop here and consider the relevance of this in our lives. While engulfed by one of life’s many battles, do we, like Israel, find ourselves attacked on a different front? Maybe when fighting a financial crisis, we end up in the trenches of serious health issues. Or while standing at the crossroads of critical work decisions, chaos erupts on the home front within the ranks of our children or spouse. Are we, too, forced to shift gears and combat a battle of a very different sort?

Just how did Israel’s story end?

We must notice God did not remove Israel’s battle that day. Instead, He provided them a means of victory. Without a single drop of rain, God filled every ditch with water. The men found it impossible to out-dig a mighty God who supplied in abundance. And as the chapter ended, Israel was reminded, “This is a simple matter in the sight of the Lord.”

Could this story be any more relevant? God may choose not to remove our battles today either, but He can equip us for victory. So, when our well of compassion runs dry, the stories of Jesus touching the untouchables refills our hearts. When the trials of life drain our strength to carry on, God pours His power into us. And when negative and hurtful words discourage us, scripture reminds us that our hope is found only in Christ.

Friend, whatever Israel faced long ago remains our struggle today. But remember, ALL of it can be resolved by our great God with whom each solution is a simple matter.

Father God, help us to remember that ALL things are possible in You.

Rita Cochrane

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