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Stories such as the one involving "Mary and Maratha" (Lk. 10:38-42) remind us of hospitality.  It is helpful for Christians to remember that there are often huge differences between being "hospitable" to someone and "entertaining" people.  Some of these differences are noted in my "hospitality versus entertaining" contrast below.

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ü  Desire to impress home and possessions

ü  Wants to show off culinary skills

ü  Wants “everything to be perfect and clean”

ü  House and possessions are first priority

ü  Associated with self and pride

ü  Often done around holiday time

ü  Usually “not much fun”


ü  A simple desire to spend time with others

ü  Visitors are made to feel comfortable

ü  The surroundings do not matter

ü  An emphasis on people versus possessions

ü  Sharing instead of boasting

ü  Exalts God instead of self

ü  It may not be “fancy”