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This online Bible commentary web site is dedicated to providing Bible commentaries that are thorough, faithful to the text and easy to use.

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On this page you may find information on a wide variety of Bible topics.  This page is always being updated, so please consider adding it to your "favorites" folder.

Abiding in Christ

Abortion: A Christian study on the subject of abortion (this is a PowerPoint file by Gary Hamptonn)

Advice for ministers (this is a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Alcohol: A wise man looks at the subject of drinking (Gary Hampton)

Alcohol: Why people should not drink (a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Angel of death - Is there a death angel?

Baptism unto Moses (1 Cor. 10:2)

Bible interpretation: A simple introduction to studying the Bible

Born anew / Born again: What does it meant to be a "born again Christian"?

Choices: Why we need to make good choices (this is a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Christian Ethics (this is a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Church:  What is the church?

Church history (get a wide variety of articles and studies on church history) 

Context: Why the context of a Bible verse is important

Degrees of reward and punishment:  Are there degrees for both?

Divorce and remarriage

Drinking: Should I drink? 

Elders are to be "blameless" (without reproach)

Forgiveness - what Jesus said about forgiveness in Matthew 18

Fornication:  The verb "porneuo"

Gambling: What does the Bible say about gambling?

Genetic engineering: What does the Bible say about genetic engineering (a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Gospel preaching: What is gospel preaching?

Gospel preaching: Ways to communicate the ancient faith (this is a PowerPoint presentation by Gary Hampton)

Hermeneutics: An introduction to how to interpret the Bible (this is a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Hermeneutics part 2 (this is a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Holy Spirit baptism: What is Holy Spirit baptism?

Homosexuality: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? (this is a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Homosexuality (The Bible & Homoerotic Behavior by James T. (Tommy) South, Ph.D.

Homosexuality and the Bible

Hospitality versus entertaining - what are some differences?

How to tell right from wrong (a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

How to use the Bible to solve problems (a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Jelly bean gospel

Jehovah Witnesses and Jn. 1:1 - is Jesus "a god"?

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)

Jesus' authority - a study of Matthew 21:23-32

Judgment: A study of Matthew 25:1-13

Kingdom: Is the church the same as the kingdom?

Living for Jesus: How to live a better life for Christ

Lust:  What does the Bible say about it?

Marriage in the Bible

Mary chose the good part

Matthew 24-25 (the destruction of Jerusalem and the second coming)

Mercy: What is mercy?

Mustard seed parable

New wine and old wineskins

"Not given to much wine" (Titus 2:3)

Parables:  An introduction to Jesus' Parables

Parable of the laborers who all received the same amount of pay

Pearl of great price and treasure hidden in a field

Parable of the dragnet in Matthew 13:47-50

Parable of the final judgment in Matthew 25:31-46

Parable of lost sheep and parable of lost coin

Parable of the talents in Matthew 25

Premillennialism: Why Premillennialism is wrong

Purity: What the Bible says about purity

Repent or perish (Lk. 13:3)

Satan:  Where did he come from?

Situational ethics and the Bible: What the Bible says about situational ethics (a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

Sower parable - a study on the "parable of the sower"

Stewardship: What does the Bible say about stewardship (this is a PowerPoint file by Gary Hampton)

The parable of the householder who planted a vineyard (Mt. 21)

The sanctity of human life (a PowerPoint presentation by Gary Hampton)

The sanctity of human life and the government (a PowerPoint presentation by Gary Hampton)

Tithing: Should we tithe today?  What is tithing?

Truth: Does truth exist?

Wedding garment: The man without a wedding garment (Matthew 22)

Wheat and tares - the parable of the wheat and the tares

What does God require of thee?  Micah 6:1-8