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jesus does not change, god does not change

Jesus Christ (is) the same yesterday and today, (yea) and for ever.

      What did the author of the Hebrew letter mean in Hebrews 13:8?  We must first determine if the thought is related to Hebrews 13:7 or Hebrews 13:9.  If it is related to verse 9, it means that “Christian doctrine” never changes because Jesus does not change.  If the thought is related to Heb. 13:7, it means Jesus will always be available to help His people.

      Man is a creature who operates by time; God does not.  Peter said “one day with God is as a thousand years” (this means that God does not operate by a clock).  From our perspective there is the “Jesus of the past,” the “Jesus of the present,” and the “Jesus of the future.”  The “Jesus of the past” carried out God’s plan to redeem man.  The “Jesus of the present” intercedes for God’s people and serves as the head of the church.   The “Jesus of the future” is coming back to raise the dead (Jn. 5:28-29) and judge all people (2 Cor. 5:10).  Since Jesus does not change, He and His word are absolutely trustworthy.  We must obey that word (Jn. 12:48), or we will be lost.