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Marriage in the Bible


1)      Where did marriage begin?  Who started it?  Who makes the rules about it?  Is it lasting?

2)      Marriage first began in the Garden of Eden (paradise). It is God’s idea so we use His rules.

3)      Today many men are not willing to obey God’s rules about marriage – examples:

4)      Marriage is one of the first subjects spoken of in the Bible is marriage (Gen. 2:24).

5)      It has many purposes, including this one (Gen. 1:28): ____________________

6)      What is another purpose of it in 1 Cor. 7:2? ___________________________

7)      What other purposes can you give for marriage?  ________________________

8)      Men and women come and work together, with wives being a ___________ (Gen 2:18)

9)      Husbands are to be loving leaders in the home/marriage (1 Cor. 11:3). Protects and provides.

10)   Wives are to accepting that loving leadership (Col. 3:18).

11)   Wives should influence their husbands for good (1 Pet. 3:1-2).

12)   How permanent is marriage designed to be (Mt. 19:5-6)?________________________

13)   Marriage is called a “covenant” in Mal. 2:14—this is a very serious matter.

14)   How does Mt. 19 compare to a marriage based on “feelings”? ___________________

15)   Is marriage the best environment in which to raise children (Mal. 2:14-15)? _________

16)   Is marriage limited to this earth (Lk. 20:35)? _________________________

17)   What completely breaks the marriage bond (Rom. 7:1-3)? ____________________

18)   Some forbid marriage but 1 Tim. 4:1-3 says: _______________________________.

19)   List some of the ways people see marriage: __________________________

20)   ______________________________________.

21)   Would we say marriage is designed to be an “exclusive” relationship? Mt. 19:9 - ________.

22)   We live in a time when marriage is coming under fierce attack. Millions of divorces.

23)   California Supreme Court ruling.

24)   We must make a choice about what we will believe and stand for – Acts 5:27-29.

25)   This means know who marriage is for, what marriage is for, and why it exists.

26)   God has some clear instructions about marriage.

a)      1 Cor. 7:3 tells us marriage: ______________________________________

b)      Some things in a marriage apply to both partners; there are also unique responsibilities.

c)       Husbands receive special instructions in 1 Pet. 3:7 - ____________________________

d)      More instructions to husbands are in Eph. 5:25-28 - _____________________________

e)      Harsh treatment is forbidden in Col. 3:19.

f)       Men should find ______________ with their wives (Prov. 5:18-19).

g)      Satan is in the business of destroying marriages; God wants them to be strong and good.

27)   Twentieth Century Christian (March 1955) offered these good suggestions:

a)      Never both be angry at once.

b)      Never talk at one another.

c)       Never yell at one another, unless the house is on fire.

d)      Let each one strive to yield more often to do the wishes of the other.

e)      Let self-denial be the daily aim and practice of each.

f)       Never taunt with a past mistake.

g)      Neglect the whole world rather than one another.

h)      Never make a remark at the expense of one another.

i)        Never part for a day without kind words to think of during absence.

j)        Never meet without a loving welcome.

k)      Never let the sun go down on your wrath.

l)        Never forget that marriage is ordained of God, and that His blessings alone can make it what it ought to be.