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Miracles and the Bible - a study of Bible miracles (part 2)


2.     Last Sunday night some information about Bible miracles was presented.

3.     It was shown that New Testament miracles were:

4.     Instantaneous, faith was not necessary for the person being healed, there were no failures,

5.     Organic problems were cured; the healings were public and complete.

6.     Even the enemies of the gospel acknowledge the miracles.


7.     It was further stated that I wanted to present 21 points about New Testament miracles.

8.     This information is being provided so it can be compared with modern claims.

9.     Since 7 of these points have been covered, let’s move to the next batch (8-14).

10. For point number 8, there are two separate but related thoughts.

A.   The first aspect of this point relates to glorification.

B.    In New Testament times, who was honored when miracles were performed?

C.    The answer is found in the scripture that was read.

D.   The “God of Israel” was glorified, Mt. 15:31.

E.    A similar reference is in Mk. 2:12.

F.     We have studied from Acts 4 how a man who had never walked was completely healed.

G.   Acts 4:21 says that this miracle caused the people to “glorify God.”


11. I have watched some of the modern healing crusades.

12. The praise that is devoted to God is cheap and partial.

13. I have repeatedly things like, “he was healed, give the Lord a hand.”  Clap for 20-30 seconds.

14. In other cases the modern emphasis is upon the one who allegedly worked the healing.

15. The miracle worker says “my hands, my ministry, my faith.”

16. God is not glorified in the way that Mt. 15; Mk. 2; and Acts 4 describe.

17. If people are still performing through the power of God, why is God so under appreciated?

18. There is a second difference that shows up when the modern “miracles” are examined.

19. The preachers who claim to have the power to heal talk about money.

20. “Send us/the ministry a contribution.”  “Sow your seed.”  “Plant a crop in faith.”

A.   Within the last 48 hours I heard one of them say this:

B.    “You are not paying for your miracle.  You are making an exchange.”

C.    The people making these statements are either deliberately lying or under a terrible delusion.

D.   What is being said is “another gospel.”

21. Listen to two passages; Mt. 10:7-8 and Acts 3:6.

22. Mt. 10 tells us what the apostles were supposed to do on the limited commission.

23. Acts 3 shows how the apostles worked after Jesus had returned to heaven.

24. Mt. 10:7-8 will be read first – READ.

25. What was the message of the apostles?

26. We have received a free gift and we are sharing it with you for free.

27. The miracles were in no way associated with money.

28. In the first century Jesus said “do it for free.”  Preachers on t.v. now say, “send us your best gift.”

29. The kind of preaching that is being done in the healing movement is reprehensible.

30. In addition to Mt. 10, we have Acts 3:6.

31. This account does involve money.

32. The request for funds was on the part of the man who was ill.

33. This man thought the apostles would give him money. 

34. Peter and John helped this man – READ Acts 3:6.

35. The apostles practiced the principle found in Mt. 8.


36. It is time to move to the 9th point.

37. The miracles in New Testament were designed to support the truth.

38. This is stated in the book of Hebrews (2:3-4).

39. The writer said that the word was “spoken” (preached) and then “confirmed.

40. READ Heb. 2:3-4.

41. New Testament miracles were associated with teaching the truth.

42. The power of God was never associated with religious error/false teaching.

43. Yet, at the present time, the very people who claim to perform healings teach false doctrine.

44. One of the false doctrines was just given:  send us a contribution and you will get your miracle.

45. Other errors relate to the church, worship, Christ, and salvation.

46. Does God give miraculous power to help the people who teach false doctrine?

47. Point number 10 is similar.

48. Jesus said that He would establish His church (Mt. 16:18).

49. Paul described the church as a single body in the book of Ephesians.

50. Jesus built a church but other people have built churches too.

51. The churches that Jesus did not build are in competition with the one established by the Lord.

52. This information allows us to ask another question.

53. Is Jesus giving miraculous healing power to heal His competitors?

54. To some this fact is simply dismissed by the wave of a hand.

55. In spite of the passages that have been given, the preceding points do not matter.


56. For the sake of argument let’s move beyond points 8-10.

57. Let’s look at other contrasts between what is done and what was done in the first century.

58. The miracles performed in Bible times did not require people to be present (point 11).

59. One example of this is found in Mt. 8:5-9.

60. A centurion came to see Jesus.

61. This man said that he had a servant who was tormented by a demon.

62. Jesus was willing to help this fellow.

63. He said that He would come to the man’s house.

64. The soldier said that he was not worthy.  He believed that Jesus only needed to speak the word.

65. Here is what is recorded in verse 13 – READ.

66. The person who was healed did not need to be present.

67. Someone came on his behalf.

68. What person who claims to heal today heals under this type of condition.

69. This is not done.

70. Yet, when we compare this Bible fact with modern times, we are faulted.

71. We are called naysayers, skeptics, hard hearted, and unkind.

72. It is said that we lack faith and are like the unbelieving Jews.

73. Supposedly our lack of faith can prevent healings from occurring but an excuse.

74. The power of God is stronger than disbelief or opposition.

75. For point 12, we may say that some miracles were performed because others had faith.

76. Imagine a situation today where someone comes to a faith healer and says, “I am sick.”

77. “I do not have sufficient faith to be healed, but the person with me does.”

78. What would we hear?

79. The healer would begin to lecture.  “If you want to be healed, you must have faith.”

80. I have already cited a healing incident from Mt. 8.

81. A centurion came to Jesus to ask for his servant to be healed.

82. Who does the account attribute the faith to?  The centurion.

83. We do not know if the servant had any knowledge of Jesus.

84. If he knew about the Lord we do not know if he faith in Him.

85. Even if he did, there was no way for him to be 100% sure that Jesus would heal him.

86. The centurion had faith for that his servant could be healed and it worked.

87. Verse 10 specifically attributes the faith to the centurion – READ.

88. A similar account is found in Jn. 4:46-53.

89. There was a man who was well to do; he had a sick son.

90. He came to Jesus on behalf of his child and asked that his child be healed.

91. This father said that his son was about to die.

92. Who had the faith?  The father.  This faith cured the young man.

93. Point # 13 relates to the hard cases.

94. In our day and time the hard cases are carefully weeded out.

95. This was not done in New Testament times.

96. Jesus and the apostles did with basic problems as well as the blind and those who were dead.

97. All kinds of cases and all kinds of situations received the same treatment.

98. All were healed and there were no excuses.

99. It had to be this way because the power of God is stronger than disbelief or opposition.


100.         The 14th point is that healings occurred in spite of people’s objection.

101.         In Mk. 5 we are introduced to a man who was possessed by demons.

102.         The seriousness of this man’s condition is described in verses 3-5 – READ

A.   Here was a man who was out of control.

B.    He could not be contained.


103.         This demon did not want to leave the man.

104.         It recognized the Lord’s authority and asked to enter into some swine.

105.         The demonic force in this man was great – verse 9 – READ

106.         In spite of the force inside this man, he was healed.

107.         Healing were complete, total, and successful – no failures.

108.         When we compare what happened in New Testament times with today, things do to match.

109.         The accounts are so different we must make a choice.

110.         If we believe that Bible healings happened as the Bible describes, modern claims must be rejected.

111.         If we accept modern claims, we must reject the record found in the New Testament.

112.         God’s word is a guide to knowing and doing what is right.

113.         His word helps us determine teaching that is true from teaching that is false.

114.         When it comes to the modern healing movement, what is said and done cannot be reconciled.

115.         We hope that each one who is here wants to follow the New Testament and only the New Testament.  God’s plan for salvation is easy to understand:

Without faith we cannot please God (Heb. 11:6).

We cannot be a child of God without repentance (Lk. 13:3).

We must confess that Jesus is the Son of God (1 Tim. 6:12; Acts 8:36-38).

Finally we must be baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:27) for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16).

Have we done these things and are we living a faithful Christian life?
