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Does the world hate Christians and Christianity?


1.      A few moments ago we heard a few verses from Acts 4 (13-18 for the scripture reading).

2.      The apostles were being tried for preaching the gospel.

3.      As this trial progressed, the officials realized that they could not deny that a miracle had occurred.

4.      These men also realized that they had no basis on which to charge the apostles with a crime.

5.      Since they had to do something with the apostles, they gathered together to find a solution.

6.      As these men thought about what to do they said this:  verse 17 – READ.




A.    Instead of saying “Jesus,” these men said “in this name.”

B.     These men avoided using the Lord’s name.

C.     This is rather striking when we compare it to some of the other verses in this chapter.

D.    Let’s look at verse 10 – READ.

E.     The religious rulers knew who Jesus was.  They were very familiar with Him.

F.      This point is further stressed in verse 13 – READ.

G.    These men knew about Jesus.

H.    When the officials later met with the apostles, they said the Lord’s name – verse 18 – READ.


2.      If the rulers knew the name Jesus, why did they not use it when they met together (verse 17)?

3.      Most agree that they were so offended by the Lord that they would not pronounce His name.

4.      Unless they had to say His name for clarification (verse 18), they did not want to say it.

A.    This should not surprise us because this same thing happen every day in our society.

B.     If someone does not like a cat or a dog that may refer to the creature as “that animal.”

C.     Instead of referring to a restaurant by name, someone may say, “that place.”


5.      When we look at the New Testament we find that both Christianity and Christ are offensive.

6.      To some the truth of the gospel is odious. 

7.      It was offensive in the first century and this is still true.

A.    We live in a time when people do not like to be offensive.

B.     We are encouraged to be tolerant, accepting, and inclusive.

C.     Thus, some try to make Christianity compatible with other religions and even the ways of the world.

D.    Many are trying this strategy, but this technique is absolutely opposed to God’s will.


8.      If Christianity is not a religion that upsets people, something is wrong.

9.      Let’s look at some additional passages.

10.  The first one comes from Lk. 12.

A.    As you are turning here I want to mention another passage in Luke.

B.     In 2:14 Luke recorded some information about the Lord’s birth.

C.     It is said that “peace and goodwill” were proclaimed to men when Jesus was born.

D.    This information indicates that is God’s will that peace be upon the earth.

E.     Yet, we find passages that tell us that Christianity has often interfered with peace.

F.      How can we reconcile the statement in Lk. 2 with the lack of peace we will find in Lk 12?

G.    The answer is found in places like Acts 4.


11.  The apostles tried to preach a message of peace and reconciliation but they were opposed.

12.  People were offended by the message of the gospel and this disrupted the peace.

13.  This is a critical point for us to remember.

A.    People sometimes say to us, “Be careful what you say and teach.

B.     “Do not offend anyone.”

C.     In many cases, and I believe this is usually true, offense comes from the message.

D.    If you have found Lk. 12 let’s start with verse 49 – READ.


14.  This is a striking image.

15.  Jesus said that He came to “cast fire” upon the earth.

A.    A fire is something that makes people pay attention.

B.     A fire moves people to action.  It can be disturbing and troubling.

C.     These things are true concerning New Testament Christianity.

D.    In more than a few cases, people are disturbed and troubled by the gospel.


16.  What kind of “fire” did Jesus have in mind?

17.  In verse 50 He spoke of His “baptism” (His death on the cross).

18.  After the Lord died there would be the resurrection and the preaching of the gospel.

19.  Verses 51-53 anticipate the teaching that would be done – READ.

A.    These words are almost chilling.

B.     Jesus knew that some would believe in Him and choose to obey Him.

C.     Others would be offended by Him and would not believe or obey.

D.    Because people’s beliefs would be so strong, Jesus said that families would be affected.




A.    This should not surprise us because the Bible often shows the offensive nature of Christianity.     

B.     In First Corinthians 1:18 Paul said that to some, the gospel is “foolishness.”

C.     It is not hard to understand why Paul said what he did if we think about it.

D.    What kind of Supreme Being would send another supreme being into the world to be mistreated?

E.     What kind of God would send His Son into the world to intentionally die on a cross?

F.      What kind of God would say that He was treating a problem that we cannot see (sin)?

G.    We can describe sin and commit sin, but it is pretty difficult to make it tangible.

H.    Yet, God says that this is the most important thing that will ever affect us.


21.  This same God then instituted a particular way of religion that He says everyone must follow.

22.  If we do this, our afterlife will be pleasant.

23.  If we do not do this, we will be punished.

24.  As we worship and serve this God we are told that we must do certain things to please Him.

25.  In the first century there were people who heard this message and they said that it was absurd.

26.  This is essentially the point in 1 Cor. 1:18.

27.  In the next chapter (2:14) Paul said this – READ.

A.    Who is the “natural man”?

B.     This is the person who has no interest in spiritual things.

C.     This is the typical person in the world.

D.    These people have their lives, perhaps the bulk of of which is often sinful, and they are satisfied.

E.     These people feel like they do not need God and they certainly do not want to hear about Him.

F.      Telling them about the Lord would be offensive.


28.  The gospel is so offensive to some that John commented about it in 1 Jn. 3:13.

A.    In 1 Jn. 3:12 this writer spoke about people who were “evil.”

B.     This is like the “natural man” in 1 Cor. 2:14.

C.     John then went on to describe the kind of thinking possessed by the “natural” man -- Verse 13 – READ.

D.    Some find the gospel to be so unpleasant that they hate those who embrace it.

E.     Some absolutely detest the Bible, Christ, or New Testament Christianity.


29.  People can be so offended by the truth that opposition can be city-wide.

30.  Part of an entire community can find the church of the New Testament to be offensive.

31.  This fact is evident from the book of Acts – 14:4.

A.    Paul and Barnabas had been working in an area for a long time.

B.     They spoke boldly in the Lord (verse 3).  They performed many miracles.

C.     There was no question that these people had the truth, but some in the community were upset by it

D.    Here is what we find in verse 4 of Acts 14 – READ.

E.     How aggrieved were the people who did not believe?  Verses 5-6 – READ.

F.      People became so outraged that they wanted to kill God’s people.

G.    Christians had to flee for their lives.




A.    There are some reasons for this.

B.     As members of Christ’s church, we will be people who say that truth exists.

C.     We will affirm, just as Jesus did, that this truth frees us (Jn. 8:32).

D.    We will affirm that there is only one way to God and this way is “narrow” (Jn. 14:6; Mt.7:14).

E.     In our all-inclusive culture, these things make people very uncomfortable.

F.      Saying these things is frequently offensive.

G.    People do not want to hear that there is a single way to God.

H.    Several years ago a book was written entitled “I’m okay; you’re okay.”


33.  When Christians speak to people they should be letting them know that they are not okay.

A.    If a medical doctor tells people that there is a problem, most are probably grateful.

B.     If we tell someone that they are not in a right relationship with God, get out the body armor.

C.     People are outraged and offended to hear that their faith is inconsistent with the New Testament.

D.    I remember when someone suggested to me that my “conversion” was inconsistent with the NT.

E.     I was not pleased.

F.      Yet, this put me into a position of making a choice.

G.    Would I close my eyes to the possibility that this person was right, or would I examine the scriptures?


34.  The gospel offends people for other reasons.

35.  Some despite it because it requires changes in behavior.

A.    People come to learn that some of their habits must be changed.

B.     Some things need to be forsaken and new ways need to be learned.

C.     For many this is outrageous.

D.    Of all the books in the world, why study and obey this one?

E.     We have learned a lot since the Bible was written; why use this book?


36.  If we are communicating the right message people are going to be disturbed and upset.

37.  To some this may not sound right.

A.    Would God really make the gospel offensive to people?

B.     The Old Testament prophets predicted that it would be offensive.

C.     The prediction is stated in the places like Rom. 9:33.

D.    Here is what Paul said – READ.

E.     Peter appealed to this same truth – 1 Pet. 2:8.


38.  The Lord knew that some would be offended so He said in places like Mt. 11:6,

39.  And blessed is he, whosoever shall find no occasion of stumbling in me.

40.  Why did Jesus say such a thing?

41.  He knew that there would be people like the men described in Acts 4.

42.  There are some who are so opposed to Christ and His church that they will not speak His name.

43.  Other passages like Mt. 13:57 show that people were offended by what the Lord said and did.

44.  The same will be true for us if we live a Christian life.

45.  When people are offended, they are put into a position of making the choice.

46.  Will they study and examine the scriptures to find the truth or close their eyes to what they find?

47.  God knew what He was doing when He designed Christianity.

48.  Are we willing to be a New Testament Christian, even though this means offending others?

49.  Tonight we hope that you have become a Christian and you are trying to teach others.

50.  If you need some encouragement we would like to help you with that.