The word "up" in the Bible


a) We find this word being used in places such as Mt. 6:19-20.
b) Jesus said we can “lay UP” treasure.
c) There is a sense in which we can store up some wealth.
d) Mt. 6:19-20 – READ
2) Imagine a man who spends all he has during has during his working years and never saves anything.
3) When his 75th birth comes along he says, “I need to save up money for my later years.
4) How much can a man start to save when he turns 75?
5) When we are in good health and in the younger years, that is the time to lay up earthly treasure.
a) When we get to the later years, we still want to be laying up treasures in heaven.
b) Instead of “getting started” when we retire, we want to keep building in our later years.
6) If we look back over this past week, did we lay up any treasures in heaven?
7) What if anything did we do to honor God and spread His kingdom?
a) Our next reference with “up” comes from Mt. 10:19.
b) If we are trying to lay up treasures in heaven, not everyone is going to be pleased with us.
c) Jesus knew His apostle were going to face some opposition.
8) Mt. 10:19 – READ
9) In first century times Christians were sometimes “delivered up” to others.
10) This usage of the word “up” tells us that not everyone is going to be enthused about our being a Christian.
a) Some think faithful Christians are “too committed” to the Christian faith.
b) Notice verse 21 in Mt. 10 – READ
c) Friends and family may not look at Christianity the same way we do.
d) If we are a child of God, we need to be as committed as we can be.
11) Mt. 13:7.
12) Jesus said there are some people who embrace the gospel and they “spring up” (Mt. 13:5).
a) We can plant seeds and small plants and they start to grow; they “come up.”
b) Other things – weeds and thorns – also come “up.” Verse 7 of Mt. 13 – READ
13) In our Christian life there are always weeds and briars that want to come up (grow).
14) The word “up” encourages us to live a Christian life.
15) It is also encourages us to live in exactly the way the Bible describes.
a) Scribes and Pharisees came to see Jesus about a question (Mt. 15:1).
b) Verses 8-9 is where we start – READ Verse 13 – READ
16) If a religious group is not doing what the Bible says, Jesus said God will “root it up.”
a) Mt. 16:24 – READ
17) Mt. 17:23 says Jesus was going to be “raised UP” on the third day and this happened.
a) Jesus had to bear His cross for a while, but He was eventually released from that burden.
b) We must also bear a cross for a while, but one day we get to lay it “down.”
18) In many respects “up” is associated with Christian responsibilities.
19) It is also associated with the way we become a Christian.
20) Acts 22:16 says “arise” (get up) and be baptized.
21) Have we gotten “up” and become a Christian?
22) Are we laying UP treasures in heaven?
23) Are we picking UP our cross?
24) Are we so committed to Christ that we are willing to be delivered UP for His sake?

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