The P.C. train is getting longer and more unsightly. Self-appointed elitists shelter their pet groups and blast and decry any who offend the sensitivities of these select groups in any way. Seattle’s PC squad will be clamping down on Thanksgiving, since it is a “time of mourning” for some. Under the Political Correctness shelter are certain minorities, homosexuals, anti-Christian groups, and the generally philosophic liberals. Certain words mobilize their police force, terribly offensive words like God, Bible, work, men, patriotism, SUV, and sin.

Despite all the foregoing, I have decided that I want to be “P.C.” In fact, I think God wants us all to be. Let me explain.

I want a “pure conscience.” The New Testament word “good” (1 Tim. 1:5; 1 Pet. 3:21; etc.) modifying “conscience” means upright and excellent. It is possible to have an unbothered or permissive conscience, but we can get this from blindness to our own faults, improper teaching, or by being guided by feelings over truth. I want a conscience, trained, softened, and guided, by a diligent attempt to know God’s Word and please God’s heart.

I want to be a “passionate Christian.” We can get passionate about our ideas, pet projects, feelings, opinions, and worldly interests, but that’s not what I mean. I want to be in love with the Lord. I want to care deeply about those things about which He cares deeply– lost souls, truth, the church and each member thereof, etc.

I want to be a “peace creator.” It’s easy to do this through compromise and unscriptural change. That’s not true peace (cf. Jer. 6:14). Yet, I do not want to be the center of strife, division, and conflict among God’s people however I can help that (1 Cor. 1:10). I want people to be truly at peace with their Lord (Eph. 2:17). I want harmony to follow in the wake of my path.

I want to be “pride crusher.” I do not want to be a crusader that stamps out others’ pride. That’s their cross to bear. I want to look at myself in THE mirror (Jas. 1:23) and see myself as God sees me. Wherever I find pride in my heart and life, I want to eradicate it (cf. 1 Pet. 5:5ff). I want true conviction that “pride goes before destruction” (Prov. 16:18) and that “selfish ambition” invites “disorder and every evil thing” (Jas. 3:16). I want to remember that “every way of a man is right in his own eyes” (Prov. 21:2; cf. 12:5), but that does not clear me with God’s perfectly discerning eye!

Let me be “P.C.” in these ways, at least for starters. I am not out to please the world or to sacrifice my relationship with God to make either sinners or the self-absorbed happy. In these and other ways, I can truly be a “Paradise chaser.” I want that! Don’t you?
— Neal Pollard

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